
IMDb member since January 2019
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Xi li ren qi: Zui zhong hui - Xing fu nan bu nan

After finishing the Fierce Wife TV series, I was happy to see that the creators made a follow-up movie. I'm also quite glad to see that the main character ended up finding her own happiness and put that first, since she hadn't a lot in the past. She ended up with the right guy.

I was disappointed she left her kid behind for a bit, but I'm sure in that world she'll come back eventually.

Overall, a good ending to a great show.

Xi li ren qi

Amazing and Inspiring
I loved this show! When taking Chinese class in high school, my professor told us to watch more shows and listen to music to become more immersed with the language. Initially, I wasn't sure if I was going to like the show- the main character was not someone I could relate to and it was quite different watching a show produced in a country that wasn't the US. Over the episodes, I ended up understanding that people evolve through different situations and the end of the series was pretty good. I'm glad they made a follow up video- which was also good!

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