
IMDb member since January 2019
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47 Meters Down

Spontaneous and not
This movie is defiantly thrilling and will get your blood pumping. Just looking at the movie poster you can clearly tell that there will be some terrifying shark attack scenes. But when it comes down to it the movie has the bases of any shark movie. A basic shark movie has the shark predator and some kind of human victim that is placed in a death defying and unconventional situation. This movie does differ from other shark movies though because there isn't the third party of the hunter that tries to stop the predator. 47 meters down also has a take where as the victims are put in to a shark cage. But then the screen writers easily torment us with making everyone's worst fear when it comes to shark cages, come to life. All in all a pretty basic shark horror like movie. And is quite predictable. Meaning that characters do die but not enough to make us sad as if the main characters were to die. But that is only what we think when nearing the end of the movie. If this movie would have ended like everyone was guessing I would have given it a much lower rating. In the very end it gave us a not so pleasant surprise that I believe no one saw truly coming. Although if you watch it a second time you will see small hints and warnings of what is to come. And that is what made this movie so good and is what made me constantly suggest it to friends. Unlike a very basic movie line that just kinda goes, this movie has very specific twists and turns that are quite new but also plays off some basic story rules. Something that I can say wasn't to my liking though was the way Many Moore played the character Lisa. Even though being one of the main characters she was most unlikable. Her acting as a whole was done to its best ability, but seeing her act out panic, one would fear when being dropped into a pool of sharks just wasn't it. Usually when a main character is panicking in a deadly and terrifying moment. The audience is suppose to feel bad for the character and be experiencing some terror themselves. But honestly although her acting was mostly accurate it was atrocious to watch. It made me just think to my self, OK I understand you are scared, but have that small moment of panic and pull your self together. Like Jesus woman get some will to survive. She might do just that when in some circumstances, but even a second time watching it I am still baffled at how in the begging she just doesn't want her sister to even try to find a way out claiming its too dangerous. Thank god we have the other sister Kate that gives us hope and beats her sister into shape.


Funny is one word for it
The movie Shrek created in 2001 was definitely one of dream works more eye opening children's films. It is filled with hilarious components for children but also there are some more adult jokes snuck in. I am not sure I am the only one that noticed this but when Lord Farquad tells the mirror to show him a picture of Fiona again, while laying shirtless in bed. He lifts the blanket and casually looks under it. This seems to suggest something is happening in this scene. If you know what I mean. It has all the parts for an inclusive movie. And the surprising part of the story line that has to do with Fiona is most certainly unexpected and makes the story most not ordinary. When watching this keep in mind that this is not a normal fairy tale. On the more negative side of things was how the story moved. Throughout the movie everything is very fast pace. The story just being set up, has far too many unnecessary components. This makes the time spent on the more important parts of the story shortened and rushed. And frankly it makes it a little repetitive since it's just one extravagant part of the journey after another. It's almost exhausting.

A Dog's Way Home

A dogs way home is questionable
Over all the movie was absolutely adorable and will warm anyone's heart. The animations were quite good on some of the animals. But the acting was certainly not very believable. The narrator speaking for Bella the dog, generally annoyed me. Although her voice embraced emotion greatly, it seemed over done in some especially heart renching scenes. Then there is Jonah Hauer-King who played Lucas. His acting was especially bad. He made it impossible for me to even try to submerse myself in the story. When he showed happiness to see his dog it just was impossible to relate or even try to believe his performance. In his emotional scenes it all just seemed so forced like he was struggling to portray sadness or happiness.

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