
IMDb member since March 2006
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I had the opportunity of attending the premiere of this powerful film at the Sixth Annual LDS Film Festival, held in Provo, Utah. This is an incredible movie that deals with the very difficult subject of suicide and addiction in a beautiful, touching and moving way. In fact, it was so touching and moving that I found myself crying through the majority of the movie. The writing is excellent and the actors brought the memorable characters to life. The performances were more than I expected since the majority of actors were in their first film, but I found myself connecting to them and caring for them, which can be accredited to the fine directing. One character in particular, Jimmy, is not the greatest of guys, but Jason David, portraying him, gave such an honest performance that you couldn't help feeling sorry for him in the end. Overall, I feel that this movie is well worth the time. Yes, I did cry, but in the end this movie gave hope and comfort. This movie also makes you think. It makes you think about life and the choices that we make today effect tomorrow's outcome. I recommend that anyone who has been affected by the tragedy of suicide needs to see this movie. And anyone who has or is suffering with depression can find some measure of peace and perhaps a glimmer of hope. It is one of those rare films that entertains and enlightens and I truly feel that this movie can change lives.

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