
IMDb member since March 2006
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    18 years


The Wedge

don't waste your time watching this
this is possibly the worst television sketch show ever spawned from the loins of the ten network, or any network for that matter. this show perpetuates right-wing neo-uber-conservatism politics at the expense of Australian culture. the show is neither funny, witty, clever or even entertaining. alternatives to this show include suicide, corporeal mortification, or just turning the television off--permanently! avoid like the plague, this show will do more damage.

all the sketches portray the worst of Australian society and then take it to the worst extent, people in Australia are not that screwed up, nor are they ultra-conservative. australians are good people, this show makes us look like total scum!

PS: its also boring as a demtel infomercial

Moulin Rouge!

worst Australian film EVER!
OK, so i never intended to watch this piece of dribble but when you study film your forced to watch things that you wouldn't naturally view. when this film was screened in my "Australian cinema" class i wrote three pages on how awful this feature was. I wont elaborate on how bad this blemish on the Aussie screen is, all i will say is: the acting was terrible, even for such high caliber Thespians as Mcgregor and Kidman... the sets were poorly constructed... the composition was worse than a 1970's sci-fi... the women too ugly... and would it have killed them to have written an original soundtrack???? if this is the prime example of Australian musical cinema then please, let us never make another musical.

the only people who will enjoy this film are the deaf-blind, and the retarded.

please destroy all copies. this is something we should not pass down to future generations.

Dead End Drive-In

one of the best Aussie social commentary
I thank Toddy and Dr Gillard for referring this film to me. It is one of the best comments on Australian society in feature film format. not only does the film depict Australia for what it is--A RACIST CORRUPT PRISON ISLAND, represented by the drive in. I also found it to be a profound comment on the class structure and police/government corruption. I did however find it sad to see many old Falcons in states of disrepair, and what did they do to that charger in the beginning???, such a waste of car. I loved this movie, it also had one of the biggest explosions I've ever seen in an Australian feature film. all thou the film was made in 1986 it still has the same (if not more) potency now days under the Howard REGEME. this is another Peter Carey CLASSIC. rent it if you can find it!.

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