IMDb member since February 2019
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No Dialogue Which Is Annoying
I regret to say that the new TV show "Fallout" was a major disappointment. The first five minutes showed promise, but it quickly went downhill from there.

The most glaring issue is the severe lack of dialogue throughout the show, forcing viewers to remain glued to the screen lest they miss a crucial plot point. This makes for a frustrating and tedious viewing experience.

The scant dialogue that does exist is poorly written, leading me to believe that the writers simply lack the skill to craft compelling conversations between characters.

I found myself utterly bored after just 40 minutes and had to give up on the show entirely. It's a shame, as the premise had potential, but the execution falls flat on its face.

I cannot recommend this show to anyone looking for an engaging or entertaining experience. Save yourself the time and skip "Fallout" altogether.

Everyone Else Burns

Great idea poorly written
The premise for this show is great and I was excited to watch it after seeing the trailer but unfortunately it's written by people who are not good writers and don't understand comedy.

The few jokes are laboured and copied from other sitcoms - none of them are very funny but you can tell the writers were high-fiving each other about them - unfunny as I guess the writers are.

I got to episode 5 of the series, but it was hard work, it felt like a chore watching it at times.

There are also plot holes and inconsistencies all over the place.

And to sum up, they had a fantastic idea, but were too safe and dull in the execution - and it's badly written by people who aren't funny.

The Patient

Very Frustrating
The show is fantastic but the way they release 20 minutes a week, and end each episode on a cliffhanger is damn right annoying. Who the hell wants to watch something like that? It's like showing a movie in 15 minute chunks over 10 weeks. My star rating of 2 is not based on the story, the story is a 9 or 10, the way they make you wait a week per episode is a zero, so I'm going with a 2 - mainly because I think the people who made it are more likely to read a 2 out of 10. Sorry Steve Carell, you're fantastic in this but I need to send a message to the powers that be

Oh my god this review platform is annoying - a much more long-winded review than I would have liked but they have this ridiculous character quota you have to hit - that's why I'm writing this extra pointless bit. I'll be reviewing things on the squashed red fruit/ vegetable from now on (you get what I mean - If I say the word, their software will pick it up and the review won't get published. But at least I hit their quota with all this extra info. Because that's what you want from a review site isn't it, really long-winded stuff where people just write words to fill some minimum requirement imposed by idiots.

Tally ho - I'll pop a nice concise, easy to read, 1 sentence review on the squashed red fruit site - and will be using that one exclusively from now on. In a bit y'all.


The writers couldn't be bothered
I really wanted this to be good as I love the main actors but it's just lazy. I think you can tell by the length of the episodes, and the series - each episode is 13 minutes long and they couldn't even be bothered to write 6 episodes so you get 5. Total guess, but I reckon this was commissioned as a normal 6 episode series of 22 to 30 minutes each but then a deadline loomed and they had to just push whatever they had out. It feels unfinished.

It's not funny. It's pretty boring and I doubt I'll finish the series - I'm on episode 3, not a laugh in site. Actually kind of hard work watching the rest of this episode...

The Baby

Starts Great, gets boring quickly
Notice most of the high scoring reviews are based off just the first episode.

The first half of the first episode was good and intriguing but they don't explain what's going on, or why you're watching it. It doesn't give you anything to hold onto, there is no goal for the character or aim of the series. There is also zero comedy even though it's advertised as a comedy. Not for me. I got to the end of episode 2 and gave up.

Two Weeks to Live

One of those annoying shows that doesn't explain what it is
I'm 3 episodes in and still haven't decided if I want to watch it yet. It's one of these shows that takes 'show don't tell' so literally that it doesn't explain what it is. And then it manipulates you to watch the next episode with cliffhangers.

The Comeback

Copies Alan Partridge but still good
It's a total rip off of Alan Partridge, and AP is better but this is still pretty good. It's also overdone quite often but the bits that aren't overdone are worth sticking around for.

The Butterfly Effect

I feel like I had 2 hours of my life stolen from me
This is the most confusing, annoying and frustrating movie I have ever seen. Everything about it is bad.

It's an interesting concept, sure, but it is executed terribly - it's like everyone single person who worked on the movie didn't know what they were doing - from makeup to casting, and defo the director. It flits around constantly through time but the casting is so bad you never know who anyone is.

The story isn't explained, it's just nonsense - From the very start I found it difficult to understand but thought perhaps it would at some point be explained properly - it never is (well, a bit I suppose but it's still terrible).

And the ending is stupid too! And frustrating

The whole thing is manure - save yourself the bother, you'd be better off lying on your bed for 2 hours doing nothing - that's how I wish I spent my last 2 hours.

Out of Her Mind

Me Me Me Me Me
I find Sara Pascoe annoying normally, she's too self obsessed but I thought I'd watch this with an open mind and give it a chance. Unfortunately, it's truly terrible. If you think she's self obsessed normally, wait till you see this car crash of a show. It's just her, and her ego - irritating, self indulgent and annoying (much like Sara Pascoe). I can only assume the handful of 10 star reviews are from her close friends or the cast or something.

Big Mouth: Girls Are Angry Too
Episode 2, Season 3

A Preachy Lecture
This show has seriously gone downhill since the first series. This episode isn't funny at all, it is nothing but a preachy lecture where the writers try to force their own views on sexism and women's rights on the audience. Yawn. I hope this is a one off - it's crap.

Derry Girls: Episode #1.3
Episode 3, Season 1

Good but they have stolen some of their jokes
I was very sad to see that the writers of this otherwise good show took the lazy and cheap option of stealing jokes from other shows. Namely the rain water dripping on the Mary statue, and people pretending it's a miracle and she's crying - which was done (much better) in only fools and horses. Shame really.

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