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Tron: Legacy

Flawed but so satisfying!
Unfortunately, what makes "TRON: Legacy" not a masterpiece is how mediocre and without substance is the story and the plot itself. I'm not necessarily a fan of the first one, but I can say that this one stuck in my head more.

The soundtrack is incredible, every moment is supported by mesmerizing music that fits perfectly for every scene has that very satisfying future vibe.

Visually, it's absolutely amazing, one of the best films in terms of CGI, effects, colors look flawless from start to finish, I really have nothing to add on this part.

The story is quite empty, I liked the father-son relationship, but you'll forget what the movie is about and you'll only remember how stunning everything looks.


The best Krampus movie!
One of my favorite Christmas movies even though I haven't seen many.

It was very fun to watch with a dark humor that really worked even if sometimes the jokes didn't land. Each of the cast does a good job portraying some stereotypes of characters, some being good and others obviously not.

The most surprising thing about this movie, in my opinion, are the practical effects, which are incredibly good, as well as the original and well-made design of each monster.

If there's something to address, it's the ending, which was a bit disappointing, I liked it, but I was expecting something more different, but with all that, "Krampus" is the movie I go back to watch every Christmas.

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

Marvel needs a break!
It was not good but not very bad either. It felt like a combination of Rick and Morty and Star Wars, well maybe too much Rick and Morty.

All the actors do their job, the problem is with the characters, especially with the Ant Man's daughter who is annoying throughout the film. Jonathan Majors as Kang stole the show and is by far the best part of the movie.

The CGI was a bit hit and miss, some things looked good and in other parts you could see that everything took place on a film set.

I don't even want to talk about MODOK! The execution was horrible they butchered and wasted him in the most horrible way possible, a total joke but it seems that this has become Marvel at this point.

The Super Mario Bros. Movie

Very nostalgic and fun.
It's exactly the movie any gamer would want. It has everything that made the character popular, the world. With its simplistic story and crazy non-stop action, Super Mario movie gives a lesson to all the other productions that come out lately based on entertainment that I thought I would not find in anything. The animation is superb, very vibrant and colorful, the characters are the ones you already know, the voices are surprisingly ok, and the references from the video games add something extra every time. I don't know what to say about the music, which seemed random to me most of the time, but that doesn't even matter because the film delivers what it wants to convey, smiles and fun!


Nice one!
WnadaVision is very interesting and different from everything Marvel has done so far, at least half of the series. The first 4-5 episodes are absolutely brilliant, you don't even realize that it's part of the MCU but slowly until the end it becomes more and more a typical Marvel CGI fest which is not really that bad but considering the originality with which it started the series, I would have liked to keep this until the end. Nevertheless, it's a good series, it has a different and mysterious atmosphere, which is always a plus point for me, even if the twists were a bit obvious, they were still satisfying, but again, it would have a greater impact if it ended the way it started.

Bird Box

Too long and empty...
"Bird Box" is a worse version of "A Quiet Place" only here people don't have to see. Sandra Bullock and others do a good job but their characters are flat and you can't get attached to them. Plus these I don't know whose idea it was with all the flashbacks throughout the film, but for me, at least, they cut the thread of the story. Although I've seen the concept before, that doesn't necessarily make it bad, but the fact that there is no explanation of what it happens and where do these creatures come from, we were a bit left in the air throughout the film. We were waiting for an explanation at the end, but nothing happened, although the ending was not bad.

The New Mutants

It could be something good and different but...
Kind of empty and without substance. I understand what was wanted here, but it didn't work. The horror aspect is always a plus for me, but here the atmosphere is almost non-existent and the fact that I don't care about any of the characters is even worse. The special effects and the action were good, quite few but at least they looked good. The story at the beginning I can say that I was intrigued by something different that you wouldn't normally see from an X-men movie, but the characters and the atmosphere didn't help. I feel sorry for the actors because they are really trying but they didn't really have anything to work with.


If you start watching this movie thinking it's a sci-fi epic, you will be very disappointed. The sci-fi elements are at a minimal level, but they are not really necessary in this kind of story, in fact I think that even without the aliens the film would work. "Signs" focuses more on the theme, the message it wants to convey as well as the family drama and much less on aliens and invasion. I really liked that, plus I think it's the most realistic presentation of an alien invasion, at least that's how I would see it if it happened in real life.

However, towards the end it deflates a bit, I didn't expect a classic M. Night Shyamalan twist, but it seems like it could have another ending.


Unexpectedly ok up to a point... The film starts quite well with a somewhat original and interesting concept and keeps you intrigued for about 45 minutes. But unfortunately the climax is just confusing because I no longer understood what was happening. It also doesn't explain exactly what happened and the ending is questionable, I really think it could have had a much better ending. I don't know what else to say, CAM is a better movie (considering what movies Netflix makes), but I have the impression that it could be better as an episode of Black Mirror. In this way it can have more popularity and maybe better writers.

Orphan: First Kill

What was the point?
The first part "Orphan" was very good at the time, interesting and intelligent and even surprised me with the ending. It was clear that a prequel can't be as interesting and surprising because the magic of the first film was already known and that's why I found this film to be rather pointless, I really don't know why it exists but nothing surprises me anymore. We learned a bit of Esther's story, new characters but nothing memorable. I like that they tried something new in the middle of the movie, even if it was a bit far-fetched, it was something but not something that could save the movie or make it better.

The Haunting of Bly Manor

From what I see, many people say that it is not horror, and yes, they are right. This series is more of a love/ghost story, which surprised me because I wasn't expecting it. It's very intelligent, interesting with a good story and very atmospheric. I liked the cast, especially the kids who had a really good performance. However, the first episodes are a bit slow and the fact that it is more of a love story than with ghosts, which is not necessarily to my liking, but that does not make it bad. I didn't think it was as good as Hill House, but the ending I can say was done better and not so rushed.

The Curse of La Llorona

The Curse of generic horror movie.
"The Curse of La Llorona" it's a horror film that suffers from lack of originality. Although the effects look good and the cinematography is just as good, you can't get rid of the feeling that you've seen this before and maybe even better. The story is generic and full of clichés and you can see the jumpscares from miles away. The cast is not that bad, I liked seeing some familiar faces and I was really surprised by the new ones. It's not as bad as "The Nun", but I think that the stories from "The Conjuring Universe" should only be in "The Conjuring" movies, because from what I've seen, they only work there.

Iron Man 2

Too boring
It starts ok but then it gets boring and I couldn't enjoy the ending which is quite epic. After the first 20+ minutes the movie almost stops. In a large proportion of time almost nothing happens or if it happens it is not so important even the villains seem to have a break from everything else to do nothing, everything becomes very slow and I felt like I was watching a Tony Stark's typical day. It also has good moments, as I said the beginning and the end, but I can't get over the fact that I almost fell asleep in the middle. I still like the cast and the introduction of Black Widow was well received, but I can still say that Iron Man 2 is one of the most boring Marvel movies.

The Green Knight

Too weird
I would love to like it more, but only the beginning and maybe the end worked for me. It starts very well and promising, the appearance of the Green Knight was great, I like the design and it really looks very good every time it's on the screen, I really liked the whole scene in the castle, the confrontation and in general the aesthetics. But after that he completely lost me in references and metaphors, everything from that point is very slow and pretentious that it becomes very confusing. It's the kind of movie you look for an explanation on YouTube after watching it to understand what you just watched. There are interesting moments that look good, for an indie film the practical effects and CGI look great, but for nothing if you don't understand what's going on. Good luck with the ending, which is clever and helps a little to understand the film, but otherwise The Green Knight is just another weird movie from A24.

The Jungle Book

Quite surprised!
The only good Disney live action remake and I think it will be the only one forever. The Jungle Book manages to rise to the level of the original, you can feel the magic, something we have not seen so far in other Disney productions. The film is mind blowing from start to finish. Every environment is CGI done properly and looks so good. The animals are also CGI, but it's fascinating how they look extremely lifelike, it's a perfect combination of technology and voice acting. That's actually the best part of the movie, how real everything is when in fact it's not. On the other hand, I'm not the biggest fan of the kid who plays Mowgly, in fact I'm pretty sure he's not an actor, but I could get over it because the other animal characters were so good.


This is Star Wars!
I think the biggest surprise in 2022 when it comes to series is just WOW. If someone came and told me that Andor is the best Star Wars series, I wouldn't have believed them. To be honest, I wasn't even interested in this series, I didn't even watch it weekly, only after the first episode did I realize what a mistake I made in not giving it a chance. Everything looks fantastic from the cinematography to the effects to the chemistry between both new and familiar characters, everyone is doing a very good job. The story keeps you interested and the serious tone was really missing from this universe, in fact the series doesn't even seem like it's part of Star Wars, it's so different, mature and good compared to what we've received in recent years. For those who think it's another Disney SW fail, you don't know what you're missing.

The Menu

Delicious satire!
The menu is dark and satirical comedy with thriller elements, but I can admit that it is not horror, maybe gory in some moments, but that's it. The cast is fantastic and they do a good job considering the fact that the characters are jerks and you can't empathize with any of them. I really liked the cinematography and especially the presentation of the food in an artistic way and yes, if you think about it, this is also the theme of the film. It's a strange film that's not for everyone, and I understand that perfectly, but I liked it. I still have a few questions and some of the characters' decisions are questionable, but you can easily get over it. If you stop to analyze the message and theme of the film, you will appreciate it much more.


A good sequel.
Yes it could be much better but it is what it is. I'm sure that those who like the Scream franchise will like it more than the other sequels and yes I thought it was better than the last 2. It's nice to see the original characters but the new ones still need to work on them, they are quite boring and the new the protagonist hasn't convinced me yet. I think they exaggerated with the meta comments, they didn't bother me, but still too much else, I really liked it, from Ghostface's murders to the typical Scream unmasking. What I hope for in the future is the development of the characters and maybe not so many meta comments...

The Last of Us

It can be seen that it was made by HBO!
"The Last of Us" is a must see for those who want a good post-apocalyptic story. For someone who hasn't played the game, he can take it like any other series like I did. The acting, the writing, the production and the effects are at the highest possible level, which plunges the viewer into the dangerous world in which Joel and Ellie have to navigate. The relationship between the two is super well done and very emotional, both the main characters and those that appear along the way are very well constructed, you can't help but be invested in their story and NO, I don't care that Joel and Ellie don't look like they do in the game , Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey do an exceptional job. Maybe the only problem I saw is that towards the end it feels rushed, the last episode was a little disappointing but it didn't ruin the journey I had every week.

Ms. Marvel

Ms. Cringe
Another MCU miniseries that doesn't go anywhere, they just introduce characters and other things that no one knew about until now. Even if the target audience is not me, I gave it a try and it's a no from my side. Ms. Marvel is ok but that doesn't say much, the actress does a good job but the others are pretty bad. In any case, the series is lower budget than the others in the MCU, this can be seen from the effects to the set pieces. The story is predictable and unoriginal, I can even say boring, the villains are almost non-existent, the action is mediocre and the dialogue is very cringe. For kids, it's definitely a good one, but I can't overlook the fact that it looks more like a Disney Channel series than a Marvel one.

Masters of the Universe: Revelation

Who asked for this?
Better said He-woman. What did I just look at? And why everything was a lie, how to lie to the audience at this level. Before I lose my mind, I warn you that this garbage has nothing to do with the original cartoon. The story is horrible, all the characters are unbearable and written in the most cliche way possible and it is clear that they only cared about shoving the agenda down their throats rather than telling a good story, I feel sorry for the actors because the voice acting is really ok and the animation is very good but I can't forgive how they could lie to the fans who really had hope for a good continuation.

Jurassic World Dominion

Jurassic world in the toilet
I don't even know where to start because omg. The story is very bad, the acting is bad, the script is bad, the dialogue is irritating, in fact, everything makes no sense and is stupid. Every 5 minutes, new dinosaurs appear and random action happens, then they disappear and nobody cares. The characters are terrible, both the new ones and the old ones, and the return of the original ones is meaningless, they were given the most stupid mission because they most likely did not know what to do with them, their presence being only for nostalgia, which did not work at all. 2 and a half hours for a rubbish story and Chriss Pratt doing the hand thing was annoying not to mention the plot with the grasshoppers or the one with the clone girl or Claire getting lost in the forest or that poor ending. This movie tries to do too many things at once and fails in all of them by far the worst in the franchise.


Solid in a way...
Actually not as bad as I expected. The movie starts well, continues mediocre and ends ok, although with many question marks about the logic of some events, but they didn't bother me. I've never been a fan of the Hellraiser franchise, I've only seen the first one and this one, and from what I understand I did well, but still the original is what deserves attention. In this modern reboot, what stands out the most is the CGI and the practical effects that managed to create a very good and real atmosphere, making each creature unique in its own way and also looking very good. Unfortunately, the characters are a bit uninteresting, I didn't connect with anyone and Riley as the main protagonist didn't convince me. The script still creaks in places, but I was 65% satisfied with this reboot.

Independence Day: Resurgence

Waste of time.
Apart from a few good CGI scenes, unfortunately nothing new or at least good. Being a big fan of the first film, which I consider among the best alien invasion films, I was curious about a sequel but at the same time cautious and unfortunately my fears were confirmed. I don't know how they succeeded but it turned out unexpectedly boring, that is, things happen but at the same time they don't happen, it's strange. Not to mention that the script is terrible, the characters as well, I think they could replace people with animals and something better would still come out. The aliens are incredibly stupid and the fact that you don't care about anyone or anything makes the movie nothing. Very disappointing, a massive waste of money and time.


Very fun!
If you like John Wick you will definitely like Nobody. They are very similar, as if they are part of the same universe and that is not a bad thing. The action scenes are excellent as in JW and Bob Odenkirk does a wonderful job considering his age, all the actors are good but he stands out the most. The scene in the bus is the best in the movie and it's really very memorable, but it's all considering that it lasts only 1 hour and 30 minutes, something always happens that grabs your attention, but it could have lasted longer, but hey, you can't you have it all. A very good action movie and if they make a sequel I hope it lasts longer.

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