
IMDb member since March 2006
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A Greatly Under Rated Documentary
Quite obscure, I caught it only once on PBS-TV. Commonly sought out by ICBM buffs, this is the real deal. Missile class. I suspect intentionally the creators captured a huge number of the bizarre things which were going on at ICBM bases at the time, and probably still do - but you have to watch the interlude scenes very, very carefully to catch them. Probably the best documentary I've ever seen. It's kind of like someone delivering a train wreck into your lap very quietly and without comment. Some people find this too disturbing to watch, I loved every second and actually found it very reassuring. I slept a little better during the Cold War after seeing this. Educators should also see this movie as it documents a good chunk of some of the finest quality training towards quality assurance ever created. No matter if you are a Hawk or Dove, we all owe these fine kids a debt of gratitude. And the amazing people who train them. This documentary is also in it's sum, oddly, possibly the most patriotic movie ever made - possibly unintentionally. Excellent. My Hat's off to the USAF for allowing this to be made, an excellent decision. Too bad so few people have seen it.


Amazing Tragedy
Another fave of mine, but I like depressing tragedies. This is Homeric. A great cold-war period piece, but people miss the point. The Cold War may be over, but a limited nuclear exchange is probably MORE likely today than it was back then. I hesitate to say everyone should STILL see this, emotionally fragile people probably should not. Spoiler: I handled everything here until it came time to put down G.I. Joe. Man, now that's rough. This is also my fave Ham Radio movie. I grew up in the Cold War and was a practicing survivalist in 1983. For a limited exchange viewed from a remote suburban area, this is probably roughly accurate. In terms of accuracy "The Day After" was a joke. Whiteman AFB ICBM fields were still open back then - Kansas and Western Missouri would have been a glowing hole. I can only find a fault with Testament because I suspect the generally nauseating "Physicians for Social Responsibility" had a hand in the financial backing of the production. Possibly the most depressing film experience available, deeply disturbing. No matter which side of silo lid you are on, you have to give credit to the film, a masterpiece. - N9UQW (East of the Mississippi and still here!).

A Rumor of War

Sadly Cut to Pieces - Masterpiece as original
The movie is a true story. The book gave me bad nightmares, especially the chapter "Officer in Charge of the Dead". Saw it's premiere on TV, which had big time graphic warnings at the end of each commerical break. Sad to say - I doubt the REAL original cut exists. To date I've rented 3 different versions on VHS, none matched the original and one was cut to deliver a different theme - pure butchery. Your experience with this flick will vary wildly, depending upon which release you've happened upon. Probably Brian Denehey's best performance ever. One release I rented cut all the Marine Officer Training school and Ofcr in Charge of the Dead chapters entirely. My advice - read the book, then look for the longest version of this masterpiece that you can find. This sorely needs a restored DVD release. Marine Officer veterans of Vietnam should see this flick, it's the only Vietnam movie that won't leave a bad taste in their mouths. Many fine performances, amazing jungle photography. Fave quote; "You stay here - you learn!"


Long original Opener
I've always liked this movie, still holds some modern jaded audiences to the edge of their seats. One comment. I saw this at age 10 in a downtown theater in original 70mm print. The curtain opened and the house lights went half dim. I knew what I was looking at on the screen but I suspect I was the only one there who did. I kept yanking on my dad's arm, pointing at the (blank?) screen, yelling "look!" "look!". The original opening was the coolest thing I've EVER seen on screen, a near silent, ultra-slow zoom-out and slow pan to the horizon through a fully extended Baker-Nunn camera that was looking out into nothing but black outer space. Damn amazing. Total, utter, deep space - pure blackness until it got to the horizon. Outstanding. There's about 10 seconds on the DVD, it was more like 10 minutes in the theater. Gave you a real feel for where these guys were about to end up Marooned -in-. The only thing I've ever seen on film that compares - and it's the reverse situation - is the ending of Electraglide in Blue. I'll never forget it. Thank you old time American cinema. These days you'd get commercials for your 9 dollars.

The Dark Eyes of London

Wonderfully Evil
Low budget, crummy sets, awful photography. Still a minor masterpiece. Real evil hasn't changed much, has it? This movie is downright disturbing, I love it. Toss is in a healthy dose of English-style black humor and a cheap girl in bondage scene, what more could you ask for? I've always felt this movie played with what I suspect is our instinctual fears of handicapped people (blind, deaf, etc). Which is something we deny because we want to think of ourselves as being charitable and helping and politically correct. No other flick I've seen does this. One creepy little flick with a wonderfully ghastly ending scene. Bella was the best. "Luke? Luke?" Many will find this flick offensive today, just wonderful - Bella's laughing somewhere at us. Real horror doesn't require Frankestein's creation, Vampires, Mummies or Werewolves. Because the real monster is sometimes us -"The Human Monster". Now that is scary.

The Conversation

So many hooks...hmmm...
Another of my faves. Also struck by so many of the odd names as others have noted. Harry Caul, indeed. Bernie Moran? Perhaps a composite. Bernie Gordon? Jack Moran? Best bugger on the east coast? Just too handy. Wonder who the consultants were on that one! So much funny stuff - have one of Harrison Ford's cookies? He baked them himself! The toilet scene is toned down in most release cuts I've seen compared to what was shown originally in the theater. Most folks here are missing the point. When you filter, pre-amp and recut audio tracks as much as this YOU can put the EMPHASIS on any syllable or word you want. Where did they find Harry's raincoat? Thats perfect, such a geek, but what great taste in Jazz. Seen it a hundred a times and still love it, such a classic. Terry Garr is still a fox, but back then - pretty amazing lady. Relax Harry, it's just a trick! - Ted (Jack's son, he's long gone, Bernie probably is too...). Oh, and the telephone harmonica bug is called an "infinity device" - quite real, at least back then.

Birds of Prey

Way Cool Helo Movie
Just corny enough to be fun, once the chase starts - hang up onto your seat. Not a movie for those prone to air sickness. Only Blackhawk Down holds a candle to it in terms of 'copter flicks, and the actual stunt flying here is better, a lot better. I'm guessing the copyright holder of the original version of "Three Little Fishies" is hanging onto it tightly, as it's hard to find as it is. I've always thought the movie is really about us old, burned out old-time hero types, always tempted to take that one last fling at glory that we know we really shouldn't. Great fun flick, one of my faves. Needs restored on DVD with some Dolby sound remastered. A must see for anyone who likes helos.


One of My All Time Faves - But the original is gone I suspect
Saw this in the theater at it's release. Went back the next weekend and scenes were cut. They remain cut in every version I've seen since. Frank snaps chalk lines off traces of blueprints onto the safe face in the opening heist. Guess the crime commission didn't dig that, 'cause that 5 seconds is history in every cut I've seen since. How do the boys and their gear get up on the roof of the bank building? Rocket assisted grappling hook mortars firing mountain lines and Jumar ascenders from the parking lot. You won't see that scene anymore, either. Man, I miss the Corned Beefs at the Belden Deli on Clark where Frank hands the stones to Gags. Long gone. But if you are in Chicago, stop in early at the Green Mill and you might be able to have a drink in that big, round wood booth - still there. Great gun & car flick. Frank's .45 looks like a Bomar Svenson custom combat, tremendous. Watch for the High Standard 12 guage stakeout special at the end - very rare. Take a drive up north on Western Avenue to check out all the used car lots - still there. Great locations. Yup, the creme was ALWAYS cottage cheese at the old Oasis restuarants. Yuch! You know - Tuesday Weld actually even ACTS a little in this movie, amazing. Man that was a gorgeous house in my old neighborhood and yes they blew it up. Notice when they are snuggling on the outdoor patio - it had a two-sided fireplace - indoor and outdoor. Probably the best Chicago movie ever. The phone book and trash can - time honored tools of the early 80's. When I saw it opening night the theater was filled with every crook and detective on the north side with their wives. And everybody just nodded to each other on the way out. Those days are gone but not forgotten. Great, great flick. Cool TD soundtrack album, too. Also probably the best metallurgical movie ever. I want Frank's coat.

Sole Survivor

A made for TV Masterpiece
Saw it as a child on it's premiere after seeing the hook commercial. Had no clue what I was getting into. Deep waters. I suspect one reason this flick impacted so many was back then Made4TV producers built the multiple crescendos in timed for commercial breaks to keep you hooked, or in this case, in need of tranquilizers. They don't make movies this way anymore in any genre. I've caught a dozen reruns and have a totally decayed copy on VHS, awful. This is the only Richard Basehart performance I like. Sole Survivor is beyond deep, more than a working ghost story. So many themes. Progress, guilt, the confusion of war, navigation, aeronautics, the desert. And how trinkets and artifacts link the dead to the living. Our ghost crew is haunted by the memory of their coward captain, but he is even more haunted by his own guilt - find another double ghost movie. Amazing effects-less psycho scene in the tent. Priceless. But all the fans have missed the best part. This is THE SCARIEST version of "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" ever recorded. Who did it? Yeah, that's right, one game, every day - until they find us, we all agreed. U seen my dog tags?

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