
IMDb member since March 2019
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Bodies Bodies Bodies

Is it making fun of gen z?
Because the way things are these days, I'm still not sure if this was taking the mick out of gen-z or not. It is so on the nose that you think it must be but, then again, things are often beyond parody these days, so I'm not convinced. Compared to most modern films of this type it was very watchable and not too obvious what was about to happen next. I would recommend a watch if you have time.

If it was taking the mick out of gen z, it was a good effort, but so much of this is included in modern films, without jest, that I'm really on the fence about it. Giving benefit of the doubt, I've gone 6/10.

Before I Wake

Issues: Boy who looks about 6 drowns in a bath tub?? Female lead is sociopathic, her husband vanishes/dies but she cares not (nobody seems to care!) proving yet again that men are apparently unnecessary, million dollar home but no jobs, becomes very boring from about half way through, children's home must gloss over the paperwork.

White House Down

Hark back to 90s
Not my usual type of movie but was nice to watch an entertaining old school action film. It's just like the action flicks from the 90s and fully engaging. Shame they used CGI rather than real choppers is my only dissatisfaction. It won't change your life but it's a good old popcorn movie

White Boy Rick

A bit confused
The overriding question at the end of this film is, are we supposed to feel sorry for this guy? It's just a bit odd. A career criminal is put away for a long time after being given a hint that he might get off lighter. So what? It ends like it's a story of injustice or something

Steel Country

This is a fantastic film held together in no small part by the fantastic performance by Andrew Scott. I can't understand how this can score less than 7 out of 10 unless all you're into is Marvel Comic CGI nonsense

The Stag

Not what you might be expecting
This is a lovely little film. The title will make you think it's a raucous American-style film. The kind that's been done over and over, but it's not. It's a deeper and more real experience. Guys in their 30s and 40s will relate to this film but don't expect boobs and booze, it's better than that.


Missed opportunity
It could have had more layers and it left me feeling disappointed that opportunities to do so were not taken. In the end, it lacked intensity and ended up being just a cliche story with no surprises.


Good but some issues
Good film, engaging. Difficult to criticise this film on it's historical inaccuracy, but if the historical bits were more accurate it would have set off the supernatural aspects a bit better. Namely black and white soldiers were segregated in the us marines in ww2 so would not have had a mixed platoon like this. This, added to the dialogue made it more like a Vietnam style set in ww2. Other than that, well worth a watch.

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

Oh dear
I'm not a star wars fan, they're ok, just not something that I go mad for. However, I have total sympathy for the crazy fans out there. Embarrassing.

Unfriended: Dark Web

Genuinely awful
Gave up half way through. You just watch a bunch of nobs fancying around on a computer until you wish the killer would come and finish them off and save your sanity. The fact you hate every one of the characters before the 'horror' element comes in, means you have absolutely no sympathy for them. Honestly, just awful.

The Dark

Beautiful film
Billed as a 'chilling horror' on Sky but completely isn't. More of a supernatural/horror/love story - sounds crazy but true. Poignant and endearing. I was gripped throughout. Great acting and one of the most beautiful films I've seen in a long time. Not what I was expecting at all, but very welcome. I could see how some people may love or hate this film, depending on mind-set going in, or if you're expecting to be scared, but this is a great film in my opinion.


Good fun
This is a fun family film that adults can enjoy as well as kids. Word of caution, although its a 12A, I wouldn't recommend taking kids under the age of about as there are some very scary 'monsters' in it that are not in the trailer. I took my almost 8 year old and they were too much for him. Other 12A films are fine so there's a bit of inconsistency in the ratings of these films. Other than that he loved it. I don't see how it can be given more than an 8 out of 10 though as it's a superhero film at the end of the day.


What a waste of time. Starts okay, then downhill after the first 30 mins. I don't have time to list the ways this film was bad, just trust me.

Bad Samaritan

A very good thriller. Gets you engrossed till the end. The endings in these kind of films are usually a bit disappointing, and this is no exception, but it doesn't take much away from the film as a whole.

It Comes at Night

Frustrating ending
Firstly, this is not a bad film contrary to other reviews. Good acting and ambiance. Not a horror, but a psychological thriller. Really enjoyed it up to the end, which leaves as many questions as you had at the start, which I hate. It's like a snippet into a bigger story, but the snippet is too small to leave you fulfilled.

Brawl in Cell Block 99

Promising then naff
Started off decent, building the character, but then got ridiculous by the end. There were scenes that were ridiculous, notably the bit where he stands on a guys head and drags his face off along the floor. The guys head is clearly a dummy and it's just bizarre - I almost laughed out loud at that point.

Truth or Dare

Not bad for the genre
Most films like this are awful, with stereotypical characters and frustrating decisions being made by them landing them in peril. However I was pleasantly surprised here. I didn't find myself shouting "as if you'd do that!" at the screen. It's not going to change your life but it's good for a movie night, I was pretty engrossed in it to the end. Decent young actors in it too.

My Friend Dahmer

It felt kind of pointless after watching this. We all know about him and what he did but I didn't feel this provided any more insight into his story really. It was over too short a timeline - he was messed up at the start of the film and his character was pretty much the same by the end. I'm not a fan of glorifying cereal killers but there are stories out there that are more film-worthy than this. A bit disappointed.

Escape Plan

As expected
After reading some reviews I decided to watch this, but wish i hadn't. It's not completely awful but just what you'd expect with the cast. You won't think about it again 10 mins after it finishes. Avoid unless you're stuck on a plane with nothing else to do.

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