
IMDb member since March 2019
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    5 years



I expected better. The squad feels like an unpicked TV pilot that was made for greedy reasons. Jean Reno used to be good. Now he's no better than Steven Seagal. Even the action scenes sucked!


I wanted to like it!
Trying like hell to find something nice to say about it but I can't find a damn thing! My advice: Watch "Roger Rabbit", "Alien Nation", "The Hidden" and "Dark Angel" (with Dolph Lundgren) instead. They are better films.

Le fidèle

So boring it hurts! Nothing's worse than a artsy-fartsy crime film! There are better films to watch, trust me.

The Exorcist

Yes, I'm a grown up. But I can't help it: I always watch "The Exorcist" with the lights on! I must've seen it dozens of times but it still scares the living crap outta me!

Per un pugno di dollari

This is one of those films you keep watching over and over again... Spaghetti western at its finest! Who knows what Clint Eastwood would've been if he turned down "Fistful of dollars"?

Ang-ma-reul bo-at-da

This is NOT your average serial-killer flick! It is darker than "Seven" and "The Silence of the Lambs". Be careful: This is NOT for the faint of the heart!

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