• I confess I'm slightly amused to see such rabid reviews by people that mention annoying supporting cast members and tiresome story lines. Sure, it has been three seasons now and people are hoping for things to progress in show, but in the meantime nothing on television is more enjoyable. Not an episode passes that I'm not amazed by at least one aspect of the writing. People who are angered by the way the plot has progressed are the best examples of how wrapped up you can get in the fictional world depicted on Ed. I sometimes forget that these people aren't real. They are insanely quirky, frustrating, funny, and sometimes you just want to slap them and tell them what to do. I never feel that way about characters on other shows, because they don't seem as real. I don't care what choices they make, who they sleep with, etc. On Ed, you can't help but care. Even the ones that drive you crazy make the show that much better. It is unfortunate that this delightful show gets pre-empted for every cheesy special that comes along. If you are lucky enough to catch some reruns, make sure you tune in. This is the best show on television, get in on it before it is too late!