• Boogeymen - 2001

    This dvd brings together 17 clips from different movie over the last 40 years. It has the most famous Boogeymen and Boogeywemon. The cover says it all

    When I first heard about this I thought it was going to be stupid. Then I heard a lot more people talk about it, so I got kind of hyped on it. I couldn't find it at any of my stores. Then finally I went to best buy, and found it. So I decided to buy it, being the horror fan that I am. I went home, sat on my waterbed. Put the dvd in my DVD. At first it was a little weird, because it had music and all these segments of clips from horror movie. Then the first clip happened which was from Pinhead... I sat back and enjoyed.

    This DVD is great on a lot of levels. The only think which sucks is that some of the clips were a little long. But the gore is great. It could have been better. It was short, only 56 minutes. It does have a lot of gore, which was actually pretty cool. Of course what the clips had was something all horror fans have seen before. But here you can see it with out watching the movie. Damn those people at Flix Mix are smart!

    The commentary by Robert England kicks ass! that guy is a huge horror fan. This is the best special feature to the movie. But what I hate is that he only talked through the clips, and not the introduction when they show the boogeymen info. That guy is so awesome. I love some of the things he says, some of it is funny as hell.

    The movie does have a lot of trailers.To just about every one of the 17 movies it had a trailer for, except Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream, Psycho, and a few others... I think. It does have some for other movies like Jurassic Park 3 and American Pie 2.

    What I love is the picture quality. On some clips like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the quality isn't that good. But it's watch able. The sound is decent. Nothing was really bad about the aspects and shit. Some clips were in wide screen, some were in full screen. That's just about it.

    Something which they could of done better is the trivia game. The lever moves and a picture gets picked. It's so easy, and after awhile the spinning gets old. They could of done better with that.

    In my own opinion this is a must buy for every horror fan. It's really cheap also. Just about 15 bucks.

    8/10 stars, good movie