• Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is good, and anyone who doesn't like Pokemon is an idiot! I really enjoy Pokemon when I watch it. BEWARE, SPOILERS! Ash's mom is kidnapped!!!! It's all because this girl who has lost both parents found the Unown Pokemon tablets her father found just before he vanished, and wished she had a father and a mother. The Pokemon Entei appeared and became her "father" and then Entei went and kidnapped Ash's mom right in front of his own eyes. He tried to stop Entei, but it was too fast and Ash couldn't catch up. You are NOT going to believe this, but Ash and the little girl Molly were friends when they were both younger!! She and her father and mother would come over and the two kids would play together!!! I have already told you too much, so I will keep my mouth shut about the rest of this movie except for one more thing, I was really happy for Molly when her father came back, and I was thrilled when her mother was found and brought home, that was probably my favorite part. :) Well, JA-NE! 6/10