• Warning: Spoilers
    My husband brought home this DVD yesterday: THE FELIX THE CAT MOVIE. He bought it for a buck. We,as a family, watched it. I have never felt more like I was tripping on acid without actually tripping on acid as I did watching this movie! (Forget PINK FLOYD THE WALL....I can handle That! FELIX...No, just too weird for words!) One of the first things I noticed, aside from the all around poor quality, was it seems like this movie was dubbed to Engish. Makes me wonder what language it was originally made in. The second thing I noticed was that a lot of the characters in this Don't SEEM TO GO TOGETHER! It feels like they took stock footage from three or four different cartoon shows and melded them all together to make a movie! The princess from another planet looks like a wanna-be Disney princess ala Cinderella. Felix looks like....well, Felix.....an old school cartoon a la Betty Boop. Then we have the "Let's Be Modern" bad guy who looks like a cartoon version of something you might see in a Power Rangers show. (Where is his head???? How does he see, talk, or breathe with that kettle on his head?????) There were a lot of characters in this and they jumbled them all together...without much success. This was a movie that was so heinous and horrible that I actually stuck it out until the end. I had to! I had to know where this was going! I had to see if the final conclusion would sum the whole story up and make it somehow make sense. It did not. And then I was just glad it was over. My six year old popped it out of the player and put it with her collection...so I guess I'll be seeing it again some day. (Damn!) I went on Knower Of All Knowledge www.IMDb.com today to see if they had this movie in their records. They do! And, boy oh boy, was I shocked to find out this flick debuted in the '90s! It looks so much older than that! I thought for sure it was at least as old as the '70s! (A musical number played by a band of cats in the film had me thinking maybe...maybe early '80s). Nope. Some poor saps had to actually sit in a movie theater with their kid(s) and watch this garbage from beginning to end...and pay to do it! I weep for them!