• Warning: Spoilers
    The start of Season 1, I was loving this show.. sure it took until the end of Season to actually give us more of a story but hey it was something. All the episodes repeat the same formula: someone gets sad/mad Hawkmoth sends out a butterfly to turn that person evil then Ladybug and Chat Noir save the day. That's pretty much all of it, so the plot is Marinette is obsessed with Adrien but is nervous to admit her feelings. While Adrien is in love with Ladybug (Marinette as a hero), so basically they both love each other but don't know it yet. I used to love Marinette in Season 1 but after a while.. she's a creepy stalker willing to take out any girl who even dares talk to him. She knows Adrien's entire schedule, and none of her friends even raise an eyebrow to it.. they encourage it!

    They're so many cringe-y moments in the show, and I've never cringed so much at a show in my entire life. (I watch tons of shows and it's never this bad) So we have Adrien he's a model so it's obvious why the girls are crazy for him. Gabriel (Adrien's dad) forbids Adrien to go outside because he's a jerk, but eventually does due to Adrien wanting to make friends. The problem with Adrien he's too perfect in every way, having no flaws what so ever. And since he's Chat Noir he can't take "no" for an answer, when confessing his feelings towards Ladybug. Takes him 3 Seasons to finally move on. The more the show progresses the more you don't want these two to be together.. it seems toxic tbh.

    The last thing I'm going to mention is Hawkmoth (secretly Adrien's dad) the guy who is responsible for turning people evil with his butterflies. Hawkmoth/Gabriel has his reasons, it's because if he successfully get Ladybug's and Chat Noir's miraculouses he's able to wish for his wife back. But there's a catch if he does wish for something, it has a consequence for every wish.. I'm assuming Adrien could die just to bring Gabriel's wife back. (this is just an assumption) Okay so even with this reason, Gabriel hardly cares for his son and when he somewhat did it was in the episode Gorizilla. But Chat Blanc explains what happen if he found out his son Adrien was Chat Noir, does he feel conflicted? Lol no, time to evil-lize my son with my butterflies and since he does it almost causes the end of the world! Whoa Hawkmoth you're so dumb.

    Overall thoughts: This show held a special place in my heart, but as the show went on.. it was clear nothing was changing so I stopped watching it. I only rate it a 3 because I still have a soft spot for this show, it had so much potential but got wasted.