• Warning: Spoilers
    It started as an ok B movie, not the best acting but not the worst, so I persevered, silly silly girl.

    The main issues are that the writer couldn't decide between aliens or ghosts, and the she clearly thinks she's duped us into thinking it's one and then it turning out to be the other...shocker it's aliens...except there is no shock, at all, ever. It uses all the old tropes, some banal reason for having cameras in rooms, swinging lightshades, scratches on the walls, odd marks on their bodies, some old guy who for some reason creeps out the woman, the couple have no money to move elsewhere. About half way through, I wondered what to have for tea tomorrow and what I should get my brother for his birthday...so not a gripping film. It actually annoys me when people make these films, I know, get a life right? At least they've bothered to make a film etc. Yes ok, fair enough, however what I truly want to know, is who read this and said, yep that's a great idea, this makes perfect sense and is going to be a great movie for all to enjoy, here's some money, someone grab a camera and meet me at the farm? Cos whoever they are, I have some great ideas for horror films, so feel free to reach out, unless it was fully funded by the writer, then...erm I'm good, thanks.