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  • STREET WARRIOR is one of many TV action films getting buried in the heaps of similar flicks that have sat around movie store shelves before heading towards the bargain bin. With a story that's not very inventive and fight scenes that were mediocre even at the time of its release, this is a watchable but totally overlookable addition to an already cluttered subgenre that will only truly interest fans of particular performers.

    The story: Discharged war veteran Jack Campbell (Max Martini) returns home to find his brother comatose after being drawn into an underground fight club controlled by a wealthy sadist (Nick Chinlund). Seeking revenge, he finds himself trapped in "the Gauntlet" as well when a family member is taken captive.

    The movie's biggest asset is its strong cast: though these roles could just as easily have been played by lesser-known performers, the effort put forth by Martini, Chinlund, sidekick Max Pehrlich, love interest Valerie Cruz, and a couple others is noticeable and keeps the movie watchable in lieu of a more compelling story or interesting fights.

    As tends to be the case with low budget action pictures, the problem with these fights is how they're shot and edited. The camera-work could be worse, but it still stays too close to the performers most of the time, making a lot of the action tough to follow. Further hindering the cohesiveness of the brawls is how clunkily shots are shoved together, oftentimes with considerable gaps in the action. Max Martini does a decent job at playing a fighter, and the martial cast is a decent mix of better- and lesser-known film fighters (including a surprisingly large Sidney Liufau as the champion), but their physical prowess can't save these mostly-bad thirteen matches.

    Chances are you reached this film's page because you're an action fan to begin with, and if this is the case, let me assure you that you've probably seen this movie many times before with different covers and a slightly tweaked storyline. Unless you're building a collection of underground fight flicks, this one's not worth the prices of purchase. There's just nothing new here.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I had next to no hopes for STREET WARRIOR, a TV movie variant on the kind of arena-fight films that Van Damme used to make at the beginning of his career like A.W.O.L. However, I ended up mildly enjoying it, although to be fair it's not something I'd watch again. STREET WARRIOR has the most clichéd plot imaginable, and all of the scenes are predictable, from our hero beating up some thugs robbing a store to the characters of his fellow fighters that range from Nazis to good guys in it against their will. Slick editing and a rocking soundtrack show influence from the likes of UNLEASHED, WARRIOR KING, and dozens of other movies, but STREET WARRIOR succeeds because it knows exactly what it's doing: delivering plenty of action.

    Max Martini, a pretty much unknown actor, is passable as the hero, not really distinctive enough to make a big impression although he's a better actor than some I've seen. Nick Chinlund overacts as the chief bad guy and there are a ton of supporting actors and actresses chosen for their looks rather than their thespian skills; whether it's the gorgeous henchwoman employed by the bad guy, the topless dancers in the strip joint, or the oiled and muscled beefed-up fighters in the ring.

    The action is well choreographed and fast paced and I enjoyed the fight scenes, even if they do remain utterly predictable. Unfortunately, the film begins flagging at around the halfway mark, despite its short running time, and the scenes ripped off from ONG BAK (the drugs pumped into the villain's neck, for instance) bog it down a bit; the climax is nowhere near as good as a couple of the early fights. If movies are food, then STREET WARRIOR is nothing more than a simple cheeseburger, eaten fast, easy to digest and tasting okay – and sometimes all you want is a cheeseburger.
  • First of all, i usually read the comments and check the ratings on IMDb before i even approve of watching a movie (unless it's a new, independent or recommended movie).

    This however was a gambler because there was a few comments out and all said positive things. The things mentioned in the comments were pretty juvenile described but one thing sticked in my mind, and that was concerning the fight- scenes and i love good fight scenes!, someone mentioned Jet-Li and another entertaining movie so i thought, let's stay open minded.

    OK folks, here we go: the fight scenes is worse than a Mma fight that runs submissively only = boring. The music during the whole movie made me feel suicidal, some corny rock/heavy metal theme that destroyed even the slightest try of creating an atmosphere. The acting was as poor as the whole plot.

    Im sorry i don't have anything positive to say except that Valerie Cruz was kinda hot but not as hot as to justify killing the time of watching this mess of a flick.

    Id give it a 0/10 if i could.
  • This is a B grade movie all round, even down to the topless women. Poor cinematography, poorly produced, poor acting, poor fight scenes, overall junk, do not waste your time.

    Fighting looks so obviously fake its almost comical, apart from it being so crap. Along with the poor editing with the screen shot changing every 0.5 of a second you really don't see anything at all worth while.

    Oh didn't i mention how crap this film is.........if you have a choice between this film and something else then choose the something else. 1 out of 10 and thats generous, there really needs to be 0 for this one!!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Jack Campbell (Martini) is a soldier who gets a dishonorable discharge for beating up his commanding officer. He goes back to his old stomping grounds and finds out his brother has been severely beaten by a steroid-enhanced punchfighter named Isaiah. So he infiltrates the underground fighting circuit called "The Gauntlet" in order to get answers. So after meeting a bunch of crazy characters, the evil fight promoter Pope (Chinlund) kidnaps Jack's brother's pregnant wife so Jack will keep fighting in the tournaments. Does this plot seem familiar? The meatheads that Jack must fight include: Jersey Devil, Farm Boy, Zeke, Isaiah, and the Nazi Baldus, who, when he wins a fight does the Nazi salute AND the goose-step. The fights in the film are haphazardly edited with a bunch of quick cutting.

    Chinlund as Pope looks like a cross between Barry Williams, Ray Liotta, David Hasselhoff and Ryan Seacrest. He puts in an over the top performance, screaming all his lines, including the oft-repeated "LET'S SEE... SOME BLOOD!" Max Martini mumbles all his lines and the DVD has no closed-captioning to help you out. In the obligatory bar fight scene, he beats someone up with an 8-ball from a pool table and proclaims "8 ball in the corner pocket". Another understandable line: "I'm okay with trouble".

    It seems "Street Warrior" was made in the wrong decade. It should have been made in the late 80's/early 90's when direct-to-video punchfighting movies were king. It's good that this one comes so late in the game, but it is unclear whether we are to take it seriously or not. One minute it is serious, and the next, there are some ridiculous moments, characters and one-liners. In old-school punchfighters, you can actually see the punching. Here, there is incomprehensible, ADD-addled editing which hinders the final product.

    "Street Warrior" is an enjoyable-enough latter-day punchfighter, but, but despite its many flaws, we are happy that they are still cranking out movies of this subgenre. We should be grateful.
  • OK, OK, I know the plot is the usual rubbish - disgraced ex-Special Forces goes back home after a real loooong time and just gets into more trouble.

    Dodgy cops, dodgier camera work and some lame characters - is there anything good about it? Well, yeah there is and that's only cos of the lead - Max Martini - and some of the fight scenes. I really think Max has great screen presence it's shame the story is pathetic, lame supporting characters and the budget low.

    I actually enjoyed it, primarily cos it's mindless fun. Also the main baddie tough guy reminds me of the Rock - if he weighed like 120 pounds more! You'll know what I mean when you see him. Enjoy!
  • Boston_Pride26 September 2008
    I have to be honest, I didn't expect this movie to be all that good. The story has been done plenty of times, and I was expecting not to be entertained, but I was pleasantly surprised.

    Max Martini (The Unit) does a great job playing Jack Campbell, and is very believable as a tough guy. The fight scenes were really good, but it was mainly Max Martini that made the movie good. So if you're in and you're looking for something to watch, for just $3.99 this movie is a good watch.

    Very good.

  • atekinc14 April 2009
    Love it. I saw this movie only just a few minutes again and wow I was definitely impressed with the portray that Max Martini put out as his character Jack Campbell, He still played the role as well as he did when he was in The Unit as Mack. He was always well at putting out a character who was a 'Hero' but yet he was still able to pack a punch so to speak. Jack Campbell was that man, He was the 'Hero' but didn't consider himself one. Also Nick Chinlund portrayed a villain amazingly well, especially when it got a certain scene of him fighting. This movie reminded me slightly of Jet Li in Unleashed, He had to fight for his Life also but he broke free as did one of the men in this although I wont reveal that because its a slight spoiler. All you need to know is that this Movie is definitely worth-watching if you enjoy a blood-sport related movie, Two men, One arena, One survivor. Hope you enjoy it!
  • tim-black773 May 2009
    Street Warrior was super kick butt. What I hate about most reviews on IMDb are knuckle heads that spew bile on low budget movies. I tried to watch huge budget WANTED and was bored in 2 minutes. A video game is not a movie. I have much love for movies like Street Warrior that entertain without trying to be overly artistic. This movie has a strong dose of action you can main line. Camera work was amazingly sick. It was like 3D when punches came at the tele. I very much felt like this was a Seagal or Norris movie movie. Fight parts were incredible. I can only hope other more open minded movie watchers give this a chance. I would watch this any day over WANTED.
  • SlZhoom29 July 2008
    I saw this movie only just a few minutes again and wow I was definitely impressed with the portray that Max Martini put out as his character Jack Campbell, He still played the role as well as he did when he was in The Unit as Mack. He was always well at putting out a character who was a 'Hero' but yet he was still able to pack a punch so to speak. Jack Campbell was that man, He was the 'Hero' but didn't consider himself one. Also Nick Chinlund portrayed a villain amazingly well, especially when it got a certain scene of him fighting. This movie reminded me slightly of Jet Li in Unleashed, He had to fight for his Life also but he broke free as did one of the men in this although I wont reveal that because its a slight spoiler. All you need to know is that this Movie is definitely worth-watching if you enjoy a blood-sport related movie, Two men, One arena, One survivor. Hope you enjoy it!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The "Street Warrior" is Jack Campbell, played by Max Martini, an ex-army ranger, who comes back home to discover his brother beaten near death because of an underground no holds barred fight club. He enters the gauntlet to avenge his brother and bring order to the town that has been corrupted by the ring leader, played by Nick Chinlund.

    "Street Warrior" supplies us with tons of great action fight scenes that are at times vicious. Various styles of fight techniques are used... martial arts, boxing, wrestling, street brawling, luchador, and lots of cheat moves. What more can you ask from a fight movie? Well, how about some beautiful women? Street Warrior has lots of great eye candy as well to keep your interest piqued between the fists and blood.

    The acting is very good and believable by the entire cast. Props to Max Martini and Nick Chinlund on their performance, but also to the characters of Baldus, played by Gary Kasper, the evil white supremacist Nazi fighter who entices the rabid paying audience by yelling "Hate Me!", and the character of Santo, played by Danny Arroyo, the luchador fighter who befriends Campbell and is forced to fight in order to save his wife and children.

    Fighting, sex, blood, dancing women and great action... What more can you ask from a fight movie? "Street Warrior" is well worth the rental.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Hey, coming from a movie buff, not a critic.... this movie rocked, action-packed, good plot, doesn't slow down for a minute. If You are an action fan, you will love it. If you are looking for flaws, or just immune to good entertainment, then you won't like it. To be honest, this is a guys movie, not for the ladies. It's got the adrenaline, violence, and of course the nudity. I say under-rated & worth watching. This underground fighting movie moves at a fast pace. It keeps your attention. It showcases interesting fighters with different styles of fighting. And of course a corrupt organization. Along with the topless babes, what more can you want?
  • Great storyline, known actors and some bloody gorey good fighting. Worth a watch if you're into underdogs, martial arts, bad guy and a decent plot. Not a blockbuster for the big screen but great for the television 📺 screen. And the lead character totally rocks in all his roles! HooRah!