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  • What a fabulous movie! There were times I laughed, and other times I was so touched it made me weep. This henchman for an Italian boss gets a special mystical power and the combination is fascinating. I loved it. The only reason I gave it an 8 is because I had to read the subtitles and couldn't focus on the visuals.

    I got a kick out of the fact it's in a grimy part of town, hooker, drug addicts, and the whole assortment in between. And in the middle of this, the main character gets holes in his hands with no explanation. I'd probably act the same way. So, a real treat and I binged on the whole series.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    And I enjoyed this welcome change from so many American dramas that are warm overs of stories that have been done before.

    No overt SPOILERS here.

    I'll just point out the interesting manner in which Christian's life parallels that of Jesus Christ. There is the Godly mother, his special abilities, a fallen woman, disciples, a meal at tables mirroring THE LAST SUPPER and perhaps more that I didn't catch. All played out on a chessboard where GOOD and EVIL reference the 7 deadly sins and make moves against each other which mostly end up in a draw.

    Just finished season 2 and though I'd rather looked forward to seeing how Christian's story ends, with the additional reveals I'm now anxiously awaiting a 3rd season.
  • lallo-211 February 2022
    What a serial. It's unbelievable from the beginning to the end.

    Can't believe is an Italian production with some so great actors that if American would have been glorified among all channels.

    The serial was taken in Rome at the Corviale location, a sort of echo-monster still there, 1km of disaster-level buildings.

    Watch it. Enjoy it.

    Why the Pink Floyd?
  • A great story with great acting, a very interesting modern twist on Christian mythology that doesn't shy away from exposing the social issues of contemporary Italy. Great viewing for Christians and non-Christians alike (but perhaps a bit violent for younger kids).
  • themissrich22 August 2022
    This series really drew me in. I love the twists , the acting is superb and I really hope there's going to be a series 2. So many possible storylines for the writers to chase. Amongst the drama and violence, some genuinely moving moments. I loved this.
  • Gangster meets angel and you never know what you're going to get. So I'll just tell you outright that you will get a conflicting message of love and hate, compassion and cruelty, violence and gentleness. The story is well told and the characters are brilliant. Some may be critical of some of the stereotypes but as you look closer the humor begs you to accept them. I'm doubtful that a season two would do anything but diminish the original.

    If I were going to give it a knock it might be that we are left hanging on the fate of Davide and Michela after her cunning and deserved act of revenge. You will see what I mean towards the end of the last episode.
  • niallmurphy-3005124 August 2022
    The series was a dragged out boring mess from start to finish. Even though it only went on for 6 episodes it felt like it was on for 60 episodes. It's easily the worst thing that Sky Italia have made so far. Don't waste your time watching this rubbish.
  • I found Christian by accident while looking for something interesting to watch and I was glad I stayed.

    It showed a part of Italy I didn't think existed and drew me in with it's humour, it's different view on Christ and Satan. I was very glad it had subtitles and I watched each episode carefully so I didn't miss anything. I enjoyed how it made me think things where going in 1 direction but I got it totally wrong and hoping there was a series 2.

    Just finished season 2. The actors do a great job of showing the difference between the "Good" and the "Bad" and once again had me fooled into what was going to happen and I hope there is a series 3 🤞