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  • This is the first of three romantic movies set around an antique Italian lace veil and the three friends played by Alison Sweeney, Lacey Chabert and Autumn Reeser. The three friends met in college during grad school and each has picked an occupation around art. Alison's character auctions art in New York, Autumn's character researches art at a university in Chicago and Lacey's character works as a curator in a museum in Boston. To maintain their friendship the three friends have a once a year weekend together in a different town to go antiquing. It was during one of these weekends in San Francisco that they find a beautiful Italian antique veil. The proprietor of the antique shop tells them that the veil has a legend...whoever is in possession of the veil will find their one true love.

    Lacey's character, Avery, is by far the most romantic of the three and they are all convinced that she should have the veil...the other two are initially going to buy it for her, but then they all agree to buy it together and to share the veil so it can bring them each their true love...starting with Avery, who almost immediately meets a dashingly handsome gentleman named Peter.

    Peter and Avery spend a magical day in San Francisco together...but then part awkwardly when Peter sees the veil and assumes Avery is getting married, only to meet again back in Boston where they have to work together to put on a gala for Avery's museum.

    Peter blows hot and cold, but these two seem to be meant for each other!

    Sweet and romantic this movie delivered on all of its promises. The next film will be Autumn's story as she takes the veil to Italy with her to research the veil's provenance in The Wedding Veil Unveiled.

    I highly recommend this series as the storylines are fun, the backdrops are great and the cast is fantastic!
  • Sergiodave10 January 2022
    An ingenuous way of making a romantic trilogy. Don't know anything about the books on which they're based, but the first movie had a good plot and was well acted. Looking forward to the next one.
  • Really good movie. Kind of annoying with the usual "misunderstanding" driving the plot, but things eventually resolve. What was most amusing was the way the main character guy goes in and out of the Boston accent thing from scene to scene. In one scene he's a guy from the Midwest, the next scene he sounds like he's one of the Kennedy clan. CONTINUITY, Hallmark! Lol.
  • atlasmb9 January 2022
    Like most Hallmark romances, this one has few surprises. What it does have is Lacey Chabert as Avery, one of three friends who are looking for love. This first in a trilogy about a veil purported to have mystical powers has good chemistry between Ms. Chabert and Kevin McGarry (as Peter).

    A misunderstanding creates the tension---and it's a little bothersome that it could have and should have been resolved easily---that moves the story along. The fact that the veil was partly responsible for the misunderstanding should cast doubt on its properties, but this is a romance, so a resolution is never in doubt.

    Autumn Reeser and Alison Sweeney are the two friends who will star in the episodes to come. The three women do a good job portraying friends. If all goes well, maybe they can add a fourth installment that stars all three.
  • Hallmark has missed the mark with the majority of their movies in recent years, but has finally turned the corner and is back to making a few quality movies again. This is one of the best and starts 2022 on a good note, mainly due to the cast. The movie has a story within a story, which makes it more interesting than most Hallmark movies. It's also really enjoyable to watch. The acting, the scenery, the costumes, and the music are top notch.
  • studioAT24 August 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    Having lost some of their big stars lately I imagine Hallmark are more willing to listen to the whims and pet projects of their remaining ones.

    So if Lacey Chabert wants to star and Exec produce a trilogy of 'Sisterhood of Travelling Pants' style wedding veil themed films then I imagine they sign the cheque very quickly.

    And while this takes a bit of time to creak into life (possibly because they're trying to establish this film and the premise for the next two) this relaxes into being a good Hallmark film.

    Chabert and her leading man Kevin McGarry could probably do this sort of thing in their sleep, but hold this all together well.

    Lots has been said about how nice it is to see multiple Hallmark leading ladies appear in one film, but I can't really say that Alison Sweeney and Autumn Reeser added much more than any one of the normal 'Hallmark stock friend character actors' could have.

    They will of course take turns now to be the lead in the next two instalments. It will be interesting to see how they play out.
  • karin-949939 January 2022
    This was such a heart warming story. Loved the dynamics of the ladies' friendship and that bond, but my favorite was Kevin Mcgarry! He played his part perfectly. Wished they would've made sure he used that Bostonian accent from the first scene or done away with it all together....only thing I would change. Kevin and Lacey have the perfect chemistry and love the fact that we got a wedding and reception, and that it didn't end with them just falling for each other.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I enjoyed scenes with the three main female leads together. They seem to genuinely like each other and played off each other very well. The male lead's off again on again Boston accent really bothered me. The chemistry between the leads in this movie started off very poor. It was as if they were memorizing lines and on cue looks to each other. The chemistry got better throughout the movie. I'm glad it ended with a wedding and didn't drag on to the next movie. I look forward to the next movie and the mystery of this veil and why the bride in the painting is sad. Here we go to Italy!
  • debbiech9 January 2022
    This first movie of the trilogy is absolutely adorable. I smiled for the entire thing. Kevin McGarry and Lacey Chabert were fantastic together. They have great chemistry. A lot of laughs. One of Kevin's best roles. Having Alison and autumn appear just connects the whole trilogy. I recommend it. It's just a sweet little movie about legends, fate and meant to be. I recommend it.
  • txharrington22 February 2022
    Lacey chabert.

    I'm most excited about the trio of women who are in this series of movies. Love the idea and how it's playing out in future movies. I love Hallmark!

    The male lead was good as he is in other movies as well. His accent wasn't needed but he tried.

    Can't wait to start the next movie!!
  • Best Hallmark movie I've watched in ages. Kevin and Lacey had fantastic chemistry and the script was so well written. It had female friendship, romance, and mystery of a magical veil. Everything and everyone mixed really well. And the ending set up the next movie in the series really well. Hallmark needs to work more with the Berg Sisters and Beth Grossbard because this was outstanding.
  • I will watch anything Lacey is in because she is seriously so good and refreshing to watch. She carried this movie. Autumn and Alison were good too but not too believable as best friends. Ali was too stilted. Kevin's accent was tooooo much. I did laugh a bit during the movie and Lacey is one of the greats which is why I rated it a 6.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    So I liked it. It was a cute movie with an interesting premise. What I couldn't buy into was the fact that the leading man assumed the leading lady was getting married for over half the movie. (An hour and 15 minutes to be exact) She wasn't wearing a ring, she flirted with him heavily. While there were some red herrings when she was helping her friend plan - not mentioning who was getting married anytime she was in the presence of the leading man during the planning - there was no male person ever calling or visiting her, not one mentioned. She was also obviously into the leading man and spent all her free time with him, so not sure how he continued to think she was getting married. His awful Boston accent was extremely distracting as well. He didn't have one for the first 20 minutes, then he had one, then he didn't, then he did, etc. If he never had one, it wouldn't have made a bit of difference, since no one else in the movie had one anyway. The other sad part was while the leads had some great chemistry, the kisses were chaste and awkward. Since Covid, Hallmark ceased to be about romance and more about buddies who share a chaste, short, awkward kiss or two. I hope the movies get better, because I miss the romance part of the rom-com movies....
  • pattersonjamie-1207924 February 2022
    The movie slow. Although I really like both Lacey Chabert and Kevin McGarry, they had little chemistry. Kevin McGarry's character was a putz.

    If it hadn't been for the cast, the movie would have been a total dud. I won't go on of my way to watch this one again.
  • I really enjoyed this movie! It was so great to see Kevin get to show all sides of his talent. He portrayed Peter perfectly! He and Lacey were wonderful together! They made such a good pairing! I will be watching this movie over and over!
  • jeffrapage16 January 2022
    It's okay no it's not based on the books but it still was a great movie can't wait for the next two movies to come out. But I definitely probably won't watch this one again.
  • I am a big Lacey Chabert fan, but she never looks comfortable acting in this film. And, nothing works in The Wedding Veil. Kevin McGary towers over Lacey Chabert - they don't look like a couple and never seem to have much chemistry. The greatest suspense comes from wondering how they will eventually manage to do their Hallmark kiss, because Lacey's mouth is below his armpit level. The Italian painting that they recover is very far from being the masterpiece that the other characters "Oooh" and "Aaah" about -it's an ugly, simple painting, very low in artistry. McGary's character complains about having to wear a "coat and tie" in his job -but he isn't wearing a tie when he says it and virtually never has a tie on at any time in the film.

    Problems seem to be solved off-camera. Everything depends on Lacey finding a second restoration expert and after much hand-wringing, she simply announces that one of the experts her friend found online has agreed to help out. Huh?

    Museum tours are usually performed by volunteers (for free) but when Lacey needs a fill-in tour guide for her art museum she turns to her love interest -who is the CEO of a large charitable foundation. He rediscovers his love for teaching young children and . . . Well, you can guess the rest. Apparently, the scriptwriters are not deep thinkers.

    And Lacey looks a bit different in this film. Has she had some work on her face? Is it just a new hairstyle? Or, is she getting tired of "the same old script?"
  • ele1179 January 2022
    This movie was well written and the depth of the storyline. Lacey Chabert and Kevin McGarry played off each other brilliantly. I enjoyed their playful banter throughout the movie! The appearances by Autumn Reeser and Alison Sweeney's characters were placed perfectly. I can't wait for the other 2 movies in the trilogy!
  • It was good until the gala scenes when the main character suddenly developed a horrible Boston accent making the movie come off inconsistent. Being from Boston it's common for m to hear but should have been consistent one way or the other throughout the entire movie. Definitely could also use more interaction between the 3 main women as well to better link the upcoming movies.
  • tkalstein9 January 2022
    Kevin McGarry and Lacey Chabert gave us a truly romantic and beautiful movie. Their on screen chemistry was great and they showed us that two people can care for others and their needs more than their own desires. Both were selfless people and cared for the common good. Every moment of this movie was pure enjoyment. Definitely one of Hallmarks all time best movies.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Kevin McGarry's attempt at a Boston accent could be palpable *if* it was consistent. It got more pronounced as the movie progressed, and in a cringeworthy way.

    As for the storyline, I will say it is a fresh take on romance mcoies. (I'm looking forward to continuing the series.) That all said, I knew immediately that the portrait was of the actual veil purchased in San Francisco (by the way, I'm typing this as I'm watching the unveiling of the painting-so it hasn't actually been divulged or realized yet, but mark my words!).

    The plot moved at a decent pace, which was nice. I didn't feel the need to take breaks out of boredom.
  • I have read the books that this trilogy is based on. I had heard that the movies were not following the books so I wasn't sure how good the movies would be. Well surprisingly I loved the first of the trilogy!! Lacey and Kevin had great chemistry and did an awesome job in their roles. The story was well done. Even though it was vastly different from the book it was based on it was a very good story and still held to the basis of the book.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Kevin McGarry plays a character who grew up in Boston, which is not a problem, but what is a problem is his usage or therefore lack of usage of the accent. It comes and goes- and when he does use it it's really embarrassing because you can tell it's not natural. He should have done the same thing as Lacey did: just not use one at all (as Lacey's character was also from Boston).

    Overall I think Kevin and Lacey have good chemistry the who plot was just silly. Him assuming she had a boyfriend dragged out for far too long, and it's a bit immature for a grown man to not be direct about such situations.

    As time goes on Hallmark has made their male characters so dim- whitted. It's sad as the charm is you need both your leading lady and your leading man to make these movies work, not a dumb leading man who only looks pretty. We all know Kevin is an intelligent actor so why make him dumb? For laughs? I don't think so.

    This plot was so unengaging I'm not going to even bother to watch the other two installments. However I would love to see Kevin and Lacey work together on another project with a better script- it would be good as they both work well together.
  • kkocias9 January 2022
    Kevin McGarry and Lacey Chabert have great screen chemistry, so their relationship seemed very authentic and real. They gave enough back story on both characters for viewers to be fulfilled, but not so much to overshadow the stories being told and lives being built now. I loved how the veil brought them together both professionally and personally- loving one's work as well as following the heart. The movie is written well enough to shine on its own, but also offered enough groundwork to tie in with the future pieces of the trilogy.
  • I love all 3 actresses - Allison is a top-notch actress, Lacy is great in any role, love her giggle, and Autumn's acting seems so natural! I hope they make many movies together. The first in this series had an interesting storyline, humor that made me giggle and a nice ending to float into the next movie. The music, the locations, the costumes - all get a thumbs-up from me. The supporting cast was a refreshing change - they were smart & actually had something to offer to the story, instead of silliness. Even if they all get married in the end, this could be a long-lasting series!
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