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  • And the answer is none.

    None more woke.

    There are funny parts here.

    He's ok.

    Some of this felt like pandering. Some time in the past it was decided you could make sweeping generalizations about groups of people or regions of the country provided you were punching up: bigotry is fine, in other words, provided that on a collective basis you've got less power than the people you're stereotyping. This is apparently a rule of cultural physics now.

    I'm sure people who enjoy this sort of thing enjoyed this special.

    I found it about 50% funny and 50% lazy. I don't feel attacked, offended, or uncomfortable; it is more tedious than it is challenging. Nor do, I presume, the whole of the Midwest, or the hippies in Asheville, North Carolina, who are probably more confused than anything.

    This was like watching a Twitter woke-off; a series of social justice memes thrown out for mutual approval, re-tweets, likes, and upvotes.

    Still, overall, worth watching. He's got potential.

    I recommend it, but it is nothing I'll remember in a year's time.
  • zezgiacar8 May 2018
    Finally some good stand-up special on Netflix. I loved it! My cheeks hurt from laughing so hard.
  • arenasrosa29 January 2021
    I don't understand the one star reviews ... oh wait this is america, i do understand.

    "Warn Your Relatives" is great. It made me a fan, it made me want to watch more and more of Hari's standup. At the moment, I have to settle for clips on youtube. If/when he does another standup special, i'm there.
  • jharcell29 October 2018
    I just find quite hypocrite how a person that does comedy can feel offended of others making comedy. It doesn't make Any sense.
  • 5/24/18. OMG, Hari is absolutely funny. Like nerd funny. Like he just stands there and unassumingly throws out these hilarious lines throughout the stand-up. Watch it!
  • This special was pretty damn good and also hit on a few of the more pertinent topics in America. The reviews and comments are absolute gold by the way! It's hysterical when a group who is not used to any sort of criticism receives the tiniest bit. Anyone who speaks politically that doesn't automatically cosign on the status quo in America will be derided in this way. The ridiculous notion that in order for someone to speak on an issue they have to play Devil's Advocate is absurd and laughable. The only caveat is that in order to laugh at these jokes you have to be able to check your privilege at the door. .
  • Cracracracroft13 December 2018
    Putting politics aside, I think that a man that is so into progress would've come up with jokes that don't feel like they were written in 2002.
  • So I just finished this and I have to say, Hari Kondabolu is either a very insightful comic or utterly clueless. He complains about how "white people" can't differentiate between various ethnic groups, spends quite a bit on that, and then goes on to regurgitate stereotypes about "white people"; if this juxtaposition was intentional it's fairly clever, but somehow I don't think it was.

    We live in a time where a comedian can say whatever they want about "whites" without really incurring any risk to their career, so why should I be impressed by lame race jokes? While some of those jokes DID make me chuckle, overall I feel like his whole routine just wasn't that funny.

    It's great background noise, though. If you need to play something that you can just kind of ignore this fits the bill nicely.
  • j-lacerra16 April 2019
    This comic is not funny, is seemingly anti-white racist, has no comic timing or sensibility, and tends to get political in a very common and unfunny way. I must admit that I let him go once the politics started, so if he became golden after that, oh well.
  • What a waste of time. Worst comedy show I've ever seen. Nothing was funny.