
Credits (text only)

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 2009 Halloween II (still photographer - as Marsha Blackburn-La Marca)
 2007 Halloween (still photographer)
 2003 Malibu's Most Wanted (still photographer)
 2001 Beethoven's 4th (Video) (still photographer)
 2001 Golden Dreams (Short) (still photographer)
 1999 It Came from the Sky (TV Movie) (unit still photographer)
 1999 The Out-of-Towners (still photographer)
 1998 The Odd Couple II (still photographer)
 1997 Playing God (still photographer)
 1997 George of the Jungle (still photographer - as Marsha Blackburn-la Marca)
 1997 8 Heads in a Duffel Bag (still photographer - as Marsha Blackburn LaMarca)
 1997 Keys to Tulsa (still photographer)
 1996 My Fellow Americans (still photographer)
 1995 Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (still photographer)
 1995 Houseguest (still photographer - as Marsha L. Blackburn)
 1994 The Puppet Masters (still photographer)
 1994 Baby's Day Out (still photographer)
 1994 The Road Killers (still photographer - as Marsha Blackburn LaMarca)
 1993 Dennis the Menace (still photographer)
 1993 Three of Hearts (additional still photographer: Los Angeles - as Marsha Lynn Blackburn)
 1993 Family Prayers (still photographer)
 1993 Trouble Bound (still photographer)
 1992 Breaking the Rules (still photographer)
 1991 And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird (still photographer)
 1991 Hot Shots! (still photographer)
 1991 Whore (still photographer - as Marsha Lynn Blackburn)
 1991 Femme Fatale (still photographer)
 1991 The Perfect Weapon (still photographer - as Marcia Lynn Blackburn)
 1991 Eve of Destruction (still photographer)
 1990 Death Warrant (still photographer)
 1990 Die Hard 2 (additional still photographer - uncredited)
 1990 How to become a Teenage Ninja (Video short) (still photographer)
 1989 The Neon Empire (TV Movie) (still photographer)
 1989 Phantom of the Mall: Eric's Revenge (still photographer)
 1989 K-9 (still photographer)
 1988 The Blob (still photographer)
 1988 Patty Hearst (still photographer)
 1988 Dead Heat (still photographer)
 1988 Lady in White (still photographer - as Marsha Lynn Blackburn)
 1987 The Hidden (still photographer)
 1987 Programmed to Kill (still photographer - as Marsha Lynn Blackburn)
 1986 Quiet Cool (still photographer - as Marsha Lynn Blackburn)
 1986 Vamp (still photographer)
 1986 Student Confidential (still photographer)
 1985 Hellhole (still photographer)
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 1996 Box of Moonlight (acknowledged assistance)

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