
  • An excellent movie of the issue of being an informant and the consequences of the deed. Victor McLagen gives a sympatheic performance as Gypo Nolan, a man who's only way to Move to America is to tell on his best friend. This was one of the first movies that looks into the lives and organization of the IRA(Irish Republic Army). The Informer(1935) is good at showing the poverty stricken Northern Ireland of the 1920's.

    Although John Ford has been making films since the early teens, it is this movie that put his name on the map. The Informer(1935) along with The Searchers(1956) are John Ford's most Catholic driven motion pictures as it deals with guilt and redemption. John Ford was good at showing the lifestyles and values of many Irishmen in many of his work. I Only wish that this movie was available on Home Video as it is hard to find.