
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Much of this movie is as good as it can been. The acting, the casting, the directing are execellent. The music is so good as to be beyond belief. But the movie fails in one important area, and that is plot.

    This community is set in frontier Arizona sometime in the 1880s. All of the adult men in this communitiy would be veterans of the Civil War. Men who fought at Antitam and Gettysburg would not run from four punks who would destroy their town. It is also interesting to wonder what caused the fire at the stable to go out. The villians start a fire at the stable and and once they are dead it ceases to be a problem. Were there any logic to this movie the entire town would be engulfed in flame at the end of the movie.

    The tragedy of this movie is that with a good plot it could have been the best western ever made.