• Warning: Spoilers

    This film is surpisingly underrated, seeing as a lot o h jokes are hilarious, especially the ones in the bank. The thing that let the film down however, is that the scenes on planet Venus were stupid and unrealistic and Miss. "New Jersey", was really, really, really, rubbish in it. Bud and Lou are funny though (especially Lou), as the two bumbling, though well meaning civil servants, who go to L.A., and think it's mars (cue funny gags), then they land on Venus and think it is L.A. (cue unfunny gags), silly but excitin, and supeb SFX, considering it ws the 50's, the two bank robbers are quite funny too, but, the custard pie gag at the end lowers the film, because it s a stupid ending.

    Classy at parts, Z-rate acting at parts, always fun though. **1/2 out of ****