
  • It's all there, professional hardware and expertise, up on the

    cinemascope screen - but for two oddities: the lead roles.

    Newman and Blyth look good (she even looks like Debbie's older

    sister as seen in Singin In the Rain) and Newman at 30 is about at

    handsome as the 50s screen ever was........but they are both light

    for grim roles. Doris Day pulled it off in Love Me Or Leave Me and

    Cagney was the full gargoyle as Marty the Gimp which is probably

    what the Larry role Needed from Newman...but he was really too

    pretty. Looking alot like how Some Like It Hot turned out, it looks

    like it wants to be a comedy....which it probably now almost is.

    Anne Blyth is Minnie Mouse, I think and that is what doesn't help.

    And where's Joan Blondell when WB need her......and I bet Richard

    Carlson kissed Michael Curtiz feet in gratitude for the high profile

    role here after all those D grade schlockers he had prior. He even

    had his name in lights in the fabulous credits. This is alot like the

    1933 CASE OF THE LUCKY LEGS without the laughs. This film is

    so well made, but it doesn't work, whereas other bios from the

    same period are dynamic. Like for Doris Day and Susan Hayward.