• There is a glittering cast (Cary Grant, Deborah Kerr, Robert Mitchum and Jean Simmons), a witty script and beautiful scenes of the English countryside in superb colour. So why is this film so flat? Whether it is a movie, a play or a novel one has to believe in the characters. Unfortunately Cary Grant is not believable as an English lord. Deborah Kerr is not believable as an unfaithful wife. Robert Mitchum is believable as an American tourist but , seemed uncomfortable in the role. When he walked into the private apartments of Lord and Lady Ryall in their Stately home he looked as if he should have been walking into a Chicago speakeasy. Only Jean Simmons seemed to fit her part. It was a funny script which was wasted. Still, anything with Cary Grant in it is worth watching. See what you think.