• Words cannot describe this movie. From the atrocious acting to a badly written script, this movie is a shocker. How can Darren Mcgavin and the great Joseph Cotton turn in such abominable performances is beyond me. Part of the blame must go to the director,the writers and any body else associated with this loser.But wait the scenery was not half bad. Based on the last days of Colonel Custer and the battle of the Little Big Horn,if any of this movie is based on fact then I will eat my hat.Can you believe a company of troopers escorting one wagon driven by a female with her two children and when attacked by Indians the wagon and occupants are kidnapped while the army goes off in another direction.Next scene Mr Mcgavin reports the loss of the wagon to Colonel Custer and then they proceed to go to a party that night and pity help the captives who are left to their own devices. This is one awful movie. But the real treat is watching Mr Mcgavin act like a fifth rate amateur.Talk about a wooden indian check out his effort at trying to act!