
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A Frankie Avalon movie without him singing in it? Apparently so. Then again, I'm not too sure that would have saved this film. Basically Frankie plays a James Bond goodie-two-shoes type that goes on an adventure against an evil woman named Sumuru that wants to take over the world so women can rule men. To this end, she and her army of women have become lovers, wives and mistresses to some of the most powerful men on earth. However, there's one lone hold out. To get near him, Sumuru's people frame Avalon for a murder and then tell him he's got to play ball or die. Avalon goes to the guy as a diplomat he was supposed to meet. After one of Sumuru's women kills the twin brother of this diplomat, Avalon and his pal try to defeat Sumuru. She has a device that can turn flesh into stone. It's about as exciting as watching paint dry. So are the rest of the gadgets, and the plot for that matter.

    Avoid if possible.