
  • This movie is undeservedly obscure and it's title alone should warrant a re-discovery.It's undeniably dated and the directing is self-consciously arty at times but it is a fascinating reflection of a certain time and place (univesity life in the late 1960's). This is a youth movie that offers more insight into a cultural movement (or lack thereof) than any of the generic Freddie Prince Jr., type crap that Hollywood is cranking out at a weekly rate these days. All the performers in this film are great, though Don Johnson's the only one I've heard of. This is the kind of counterculture film that fits in perfectly with the likes of Hi Mom!, Greetings, Getting Straight, The Strawberry Statement, R.P.M., End of the Road, Rabbit Run and Joanna: the kind of films that, while not always great, at least documented their times in an interesting and unique way.