• Warning: Spoilers
    CONTAINS SPOILERS: It's a case of "sack the blacks, sign the chinks", when Cleo jets off to the Orient hot on the trail of two undercover agents who have mysteriously disappeared after an explosion on a sampan full of opium. In Hong Kong she teams up with shady operator Mi Ling, a female kung fu superstar in her own fight - but that's another article. After layin' some kung-fu moves on the local Triads, they head to Macao to investigate the white-as-snow owner of the 'Casino of Gold', the Dragon Lady, played by Stella Stevens. Stella spent the 60s looking sweet and acting dumb; here she plays a vicious lesbian heroin lord (again with the lesbians?) and gets deadly with a blade. Tamara Dobson returns as Cleo, minus the big hair but still the show pony for those ghastly 70s fashions. The film plays up the comedy and was a hit for a brain-dead actioner, but the genre, like Stella Stevens at the end of Casino of Gold, was dead in the water.