
  • Well, this film came out when I was 7 and bigfoot, Nessie, Yeti, Bermuda Triangle, UFOs and all that kind of stuff was big. I remember seeing this flick at the theater and it scared the hell out of me, especially when bigfoot's shadow goes by the window while the lady sits there eating popcorn, and then her husband opens the door to see the creature standing there! Of course it has a lot of cheesy scenes of hypnosis and bad witnesses and the old "computer" technology that is so laughable today. But despite lack of evidence of any primate evolution in North America, and the recent conclusion that Roger Patterson's film was most likely a hoax, there is still a fact that disturbs: Native Americans and Himalayan natives matter-of-fact acceptance of these creatures' existence. And what is really making ALL those footprints?? A film worth seeing as both period piece and to get many of the sightings and "facts" up to that time.