• It's nice to see that virtually everyone who reviewed American Dreamer loved it and that so many consider it to be a favorite. I couldn't agree more with the other reviews and immediately bought a copy after my first viewing.

    I won't go into details of the plot, which I hate to do anyway, but will comment on one criticism appearing in another review. Sure, the outcome is predictable -- BUT the way the the movie gets there is NOT. After all, every plot has been done to death. It is the originality of the story line that raises this movie to a higher level. Not only is it highly original and smartly scripted, it is also charming, romantic, funny, beautifully directed, photographed, and acted -- an all-round perfect movie.

    And as I am always eager to point out, this movie is hilarious -- with hilarious performances and episodes -- without having to resort to gratuitous sex, foul language, and nudity. It simply could not be better (and the beautiful Paris locations only enhance the overall perfection of the film). I say this not to project myself as a prude (which I probably am to some degree) because I also loved Pulp Fiction, but to make the point that movies don't have to be gross, juvenile, and smutty to be funny.