• For years since they last appeared in a l978 ABC TV "Honeymooners"comedy special.Audiences clamored for Jackie Gleason and Art Carney to return to tv for one more performance.In l985,the duo returned to the small screen.But this time.The pair performed in a period drama that showcased their other talent for dramatic acting.As Izzy Einstein and Moe Smith.Jackie & Art play two ex-small time vaudvillians.Who try to find gainful employment in l920's NYC.Times were hard due to the Prohibition laws that prevented adults from getting liquid refreshments and for Poor Moe Smith(Carney)the constant raids by The U.S.Prohib agents didn't help his bar business.Izzy's (Gleason's)money making scheames didn't help Moe's fiancial woes either.But Izzy comes thru for the pair.When he gets them jobs as undercover prohibition agents for corrupt,dour federal officer:"Lt.Murphy".Who wants to end the violent and contempable reign of mobster:"John Vanderhoff" Alias:"The Dutchman"(A dark satire of Dutch Schultz)."Dutch"is taking over all of the crooked booze business in the Northeast and he doesn't give a damn about what methiods that he uses to get the hooch.Izzy & Moe stop "Dutch"and his illegal attacks with their disguises and help from a distrustful,no nonsense federal agent:"Dave McCoy",a young novice agent:"Harris"and a fun loving,flirting saloonkeeper:"Dallas Carter"(A satire on real life NYC saloonkeeper:Texas Gurnin the lady who get Barbera Stanwyck's career started as a showgirl)the boys stop "Dutch"and become heroes to everyone and for once in his life? Jackie Gleason's comedic(or in this case semi/serious character)finally controls his abusive and smart aleck mother in law.When she sees that he is a success at last! She is forced to light his cigar in The store window of Macy's.The film is full of action and some laughs.As our heroes foil the crooked speakeasy owners with their disgusies and their showing up their incompetant superior and one of his tough talking but not too bright agents:"McCoy".But the only flaw with this film is Moe's(Mr.Carney's)love affair with "Dallas Carter".Why anyone would want to fall in love with such a creature.Who only cares about maintaining her unothodox bar business and not care about anyone else is beyond me.The lover's subplot is unnessicary.Despite this ridicules detour."Izzy & Moe"is a wondeful drama and the best of Gleason and Carney's tv performances.It's their last performance on the small screen.But it's their best!