• So, I guess if I were at gunpoint, I would choose this as being my second favorite film in the Hughes lineup. He has made so many good movies, it's hard to pick just one as your favorite, but this is definitely a close second to The Breakfast Club.

    Kevin Bacon plays a writer just out of college trying to support his newly wedded wife, while at the same time working for some sort of ad agency, and trying to write his first book. Throughout the movie, it's him narrarating his life from the start of his wedding until the end of the movie...

    His wife, however, decides that she's ready for a baby. He on the other hand, does not really get as excited about the idea as she does.

    The entire movie is set up from his point of view, and he sees the world through his eyes, and a lot of 'what ifs' start to boggle his mind. His confusion and dry humor make it a great classic, and a great watch for anyone. A fun piece of movie trivia...in the movie 'Trains, Planes, and Automobiles' Steve Martin's wife in the movie, lays awake late one night watching a movie on T.V. If you listen closely to what they're saying, it's a scene from 'She's Having a Baby'. The scene when Kevin Bacon and his on screen wife are having a fight. A fun little movie fact for you.

    I hope you'll see it if you haven't. And if you already did, you're smart. And if you saw it and didn't like it, well, then....there we are.

    I give this movie, a 10 out of 10. A great movie, to be seen by all!

    And that's the end of my review.