
  • It's American. It's corny (pun intended, I'm sorry). When I stop and think about it, it's laughable but the immutable truth is that this is naively beautiful on almost every frontier. I have watched this film so many times and though inside I know the ladled sentiment should be cringeworthy-especially for a cynic such as somehow never fails to utterly absorb me.

    Horner's musical score is haunting and mesmerising and adds so strongly to the whole ethereal feeling that this film exudes.

    The acting is extraordinary in that they pull off corny lines without provoking me to laughter or cringing, with the possible exception of James Earl Jones speech "...the one constant is baseball...".

    I even have to admit that Kostner is good (painful though it is).

    You may not like or understand doesn't matter. This is not a film about baseball. Its about relationships (particularly about father son relationships) and it tugs on every heart string.

    There was a review of this film which first intrigued me enough to watch it several years ago. I cannot remember who said it but if memory serves me well his summation of Field of Dreams was this...

    "Could you ever really love someone who didn't cry at this film, even just a little?"

    Nuff said.