• Warning: Spoilers

    "Another 48 Hours" is a waste of time, talent and space.


    Because ANYONE who saw the first film could see the plot holes. Plot holes that are big enough to fall through, along with 10 other people.

    Apparently, Jack Cates (A tired looking Nick Nolte)is obsessed with The Iceman, a drug dealer. During a deal gone bad that may cause Cates to lose his job and end up in prison, he finds Reggie Hammond's (A bored looking Eddie Murphy)picture. It seems that Hammond, who is STILL in jail, is now a target. There are 2 biker guys, one of them is the brother of the bad guy from the previous film, that want to see him dead.

    There is too many cooks trying to cook this sad excuse of soup. Many things are not explained. For example, the identity of The Iceman. When you do find out who it is, you will scratch your head and wondered what the hell is going on! I'm not going to reveal WHO it is to those who haven't seen it. I only want to say four words:


    For those who haven't seen the film, for God's sake, don't rent it, because you'll want your money back. Catch it on TV (It's ALWAYS on!)and save your cash.