• We all know how important images are as tools of seduction. Or repulsion. With that in mind, as the writer-director of "Chain of Desire", I want to express my dismay at the vulgar ad campaign that was designed for the video release, which makes it look like a cheap soft-porn movie. When it was released theatrically by October Films, the ad was tasteful and enticing. For some reason the people who handled the video took it upon themselves to create a poster that has absolutely nothing to do with the movie, with "actors" that don't even appear in the film. You would never know from this image that the movie was in competition in several important festivals and got very reviews in the main papers. By doing this, the campaign scared away the sophisticated urban public to which the movie would naturally appeal and disappoint the people who rent it thinking they will get some cheap thrills. It must be difficult for the average viewer to imagine the feeling of impotence and frustration a director feels when faced with this kind of distortion. I hope that when the film comes out on DVD the campaign will use the original poster and the film will find its rightful audience.