• Patrick Swayze is lauded as delivering the best performance of his career in his role as a disillusioned doctor, Max Lowe, who "gets away from it all" in one of the large, over-populated cities of India. Here he "bumps" into Hasari Pal (played by Om Puri), who has brought his wife and three children to the city in search of a new life after creditors seized their farm. As Max tries to forget the past and Hasari works hard to build a future, they both discover that they can make a difference in the present.

    The whole film is very well-done, and realistic to the point of making you feel for the lepers and all those unfortunate enough to live in the state of extreme poverty that permeates the overcrowded country of India. Om Puri is convincing and earnest as the father who only wants a better life for his family. Patrick Swayze is well-cast in his role, even if it does begin to appear that he has two expressions for all his movies; tired, and angry. I gave this 7 out of 10 for a great story and convincing acting in general, with marks deducted for Swayze's somewhat predictable characterization and his extremely annoying habit of using God's name in vain.