
  • I saw this Christmas Special for the first time this past Christmas and that was one time too many. This was by far the worst Christmas special I have ever seen. It was played right after the classic original "Frosty the Snowman" making viewers think it has something to do with it. One of the reasons it is so bad is the fact that it has nothing to do with Christmas whatsoever. The story revolves around a winter festival or something similar and some villain who wants to take winter away. The animation is awful as well, no where near the quality of the original or even the good sequel "Frosty's Winter Wonderland." The fact that they stuck this on as a bonus feature for the DVD of the original turned me away. I really can't describe how bad it really is. I'd say "see if for yourself" but no one should have to endure this farce. It is a complete blasphemy to anything relating to Christmas, Frosty, or winter. AVOID AT ALL COSTS!!!