• This movie spelled the end for the Pink Panther series. Not only would most never wish to see another one, most would wish that they had not wasted time on this one. It proved that Peter Sellers is and always will be the one and ONLY ... Inspector Jacques Clouseau. It's hard to believe that Blake Edwards would allow this travesty to be seen. It goes beyond disappointment. This film should be burned and all those who had anything to do with it should deny association to it. I know that I do not wish to admit to viewing it. It's got to finish in the 10 worst comedy motion pictures of all time. The sooner that I can forget it, the better. Roberto Benigni is worse than Alan Arkin at acting or comedy. I don't normally cast such a final judgement, but this movie is TERRIBLE. I can't see how anyone could say that they enjoyed any of it. I kept waiting for something funny to happen, like in the the Peter Sellers installments. It never did.