
  • The jokes aren't funny, the character's aren't funny, the catch-phrases aren't funny, The Fast Show is a huge success. Why? It astounds me that some of my closest friends like The Fast Show. The continual jokes are monotonous and predictable. I watched this programme when I had little else to do in the company of others that like it. I failed to laugh once. What is clearly intended to be clever and witty is simply immature, patronising and extremely dull. Its title is contradicted by the fact that, to the less pleasured viewer it appears to last for hours. The Fast Show is nothing more than a modern day interpretation of Russ Abbot humour. Funny for kids, perhaps, but for me, and many others I know, it is simply a large band of writers and performers proving that too many cooks certainly spoil the broth. Nevertheless, it is extremely successful, which I sincerely hope does not lead to other comedians following in their footsteps and continuing to butcher the evermore tarnished reputation of British comedy. There's some great comedy in Britain, don't let this bunch clog the outlet.