• For the record, I gave this film a "10". It's one of my favorite films. Then again, it's not for everyone. If you're looking for a linear film that spells everything out and leaves nothing to the imagination, pass this one up. I've read criticisms that it's too disorienting and "stream of consciousness". I'm shocked at this criticism, because that's precisely what makes this film a work of art. I've seen Mystery Of Rampo half a dozen times and everytime I see it, I discover something new. There are so many metaphors and so many layers of meaning and interpretation. On one level, Shizuko is trapped by in a world that is "unreal" while Rampo is trapped in a world that is "real". And their love breaks the chains that bind them as the line between the real and the unreal disappears. All the actors are brilliant. There are no one-dimensional good or bad main characters. Michiko Hada and Naoto Tokenaka show a full range of subtle, conflicting emotions; fear, heroism, intimacy, callousness, attachment, detachment, resignation, and hope.

    Michiko is hauntingly beautiful, almost other-worldly, and perfect for the part. And the difference between Naoto's character in Mystery and Shall We Dance show what an excellent actor he is. The visual metaphors, such as the increasingly elaborate doors, are brilliant. And the soundtrack is one of my favorite. It creates a magical space that envelopes the audience. While this film is incredibly beautiful and stylish, the story goes much deeper, leaving the audience to wonder over it long after the film is over.