
  • I had heard this flick was pretty bad from the 'real' movie critics, and it even got panned on the Simpsons, so I knew I was in for it when my grandmother saw it starting on TV and proclaimed that she MUST see it. Apparently, she heard that it was a classic. She heard wrong. Now I did not see the entire movie, but about 45 minutes of it. This may make my review invalid in some people's eyes, but trust me, Nine Months could not possibly have saved itself. When you've been watching a comedy for over half an hour and have not laughed once, then it is safe to say that chuckle won't come. The jokes were either childish or outdated, like the running mantis gag (please) or Tom Arnold scolding his kids to stop eating someone else's food while he himself is stuffing his face with crackers (har har). And, I swear, do we really need to see "Let's Get It On" in another movie sex scene? I don't know how many times I've seen this excuse for comedy lately. They even used it in Austin Powers 2, so you'd think other movies would take a hint! To conclude, Hugh Grant is a skinny, pasty Brit with bad teeth and Tom Arnold used to be married to Roseanne. Yeah, two great leading men ladies and gentlemen. And if Hugh's character doesn't want to have kids, I don't blame him. We never see any children in this thing who actually act polite or nice, except from afar. Yeah, that's a mature way to decide you want a baby. Ah, look honey, that baby fifteen feet away is making a sand castle. PLANT YOUR SEED NOW! Never mind the fact that a baby costs MONEY, and it CRIES, no no. Since I did not see the entire thing, let's just leave this review without a score. Does that make everyone happy? Okay, great.