• I rented this film, from my local video store, after browsing some of the older tapes on their shelves. What I found was an intriguing movie, that gives a great concept, only to balls-it-up totally, with a quickie ending.

    The idea of "What would you do, if it came down to saving yourself and your loved ones, in a crisis?" is certainly a timely question, especially in this day and age. And, with a strong character actor cast, including Richard T Jones, (from TV cop-series Brooklyn South); Michael Rooker (from Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer and JFK), and Bill Smitrovich (from most of Michael Mann's films), it certainly makes for an entertaining, and diverting, 90 minutes.

    Alas, David Koepp leaves us with this rushed ending of happily-ever-after, that ruins all that has come before. A shame, because this movie has so much that makes you think and question what you might do yourself, if placed in this situation. Some of the scenes are eerily tense and unnerving, especially when Kyle MacLachlan's character suddenly snaps halfway through, and realises that he is no less an animal than the rest of us.

    Whether Koepp's ending was forced upon him from external forces, I can't say, though it wouldn't surprise me if it were, because it's only the final few moments that are capped-on artificially. The previous 85 minutes all unreel at a nice pace, that just keeps you guessing as to what is going to happen.

    Despite my negative review, I'd still recommend this film, and would love to view the BBC series "Connections" from the 1980's that this film is allegedly based upon. Sadly, even the BBC in London, don't have any record of this series existing. Maybe this is Koepp's way of sticking two fingers up at the (alleged) studio-imposed ending?