• Film noir can be some of the best cinema to make it to the big screen. A depth of characters, a complex and winding plot, dark humor that makes you laugh involuntarily, a shocking ending that leaves you exhilarated can add up to a thoroughly enjoyable experience. But when these things go horribly astray, oh what a disasterous result we can have. Goodbye Lover is one of the latter, mixing bad acting, comical plot lines, and one of the worst casts ever assembled (why are Don Johnson and Dermot Mulroney allowed in Hollywood?) to create a horrible moviegoing experience the likes of which have only been matched by movies involving Roland and Emmerich. What the studio was thinking when it combined the cast of phillistines it did I will never know. What I can tell you is this movie will go down as one of the more laughably bad experiences of my life (right up there with Showgirls, I Know What You Did Last Summer and, unbelievably, its inferior sequel).