
  • I saw this movie in a jam packed movie theater, and I laughed until my gut was aching.There were times the theater was so loud from laughter that I missed a few of the lines. I didn't have a problem with this movie because that's the kind of humor I've come to expect from an Sandler movie. This is what he's good at.

    You don't(or shouldn't)go to a Sandler movie expecting Academy Award material. This one was no exception. I went for some good laughs, and that's what I got.

    Some people said this reminded them too much of Happy Gilmore. I on the other hand found them distanced from each other for the following reasons:

    -No annoying accent in Happy Gilmore -No fight scene with Bob Barker in Waterboy -No annoying rednecks in Happy Gilmore -Both movies deal with different sports -Sandler's characters in the two movies are complete opposites

    The movie was clearly aimed at the pre-teen age group with it's potty and no-brainer humor. Take it for what it is, and don't expect an Oscar nomination for Sandler anytime soon.