• Sentimentalism rules, but doesn't ruin, this gentle romcom dealing with Goldblum's workaholic TV producer, his pretty new coworker and Eddie Murphy's mysterious guru type G, who comes into their lives at random and causes all manner of upset. A reasonably interesting storyline and quite a few funny moments and ideas raise this from the pit of feelgood slush to the dizzy heights of the quite passable romantic comedy. Goldblum is as reliable as ever and Murphy's return to form has clearly begun, with a good, restrained performance as the wacky nomadic philosopher-yogi. Not much can be said for the other characters, remaining as they usually do in this genre pretty lifeless backdrop for the main stars, though anyone who remembers Pretty in Pink with fondness will be happy to see Jon Cryer still working, putting in a quiet performance as Goldblum's assistant. Fans of the stars should like it, and the TV shopping channel angle is an interesting, original setting for a movie, providing numerous opportunities for easy laughs. Not bad at all.