
  • I like and admire this film. It is a movie of ideas. It is actually three separate movies.

    One movie is a dark adventure story (testosterone opera) very engaging in its own way. An unhappy fellow living in an empty world tries to master his fate.

    One movie is a gripping psychological study of personality disintegration. Edward Nortons' character is searching, ever searching for something unaware that it is his own identity being sought after.

    One movie is an Anarchist Tract: A Call To Arms! Remember If? In this movie we see an implementation of the idea that for a new, better order to exist the old one must be destroyed. Look for a happy face in an unexpected place. The thing that is missing in this movie is the Anarchist vision of the better world to come (Utopia).

    Aside from the intellectual side Fight Club has tremendous energy. It will carry you away. At least it did me.

    Brad Pitt has a taste for fascinating films: Fight Club, 12 Monkeys.