• Myst is one of the most unusual creations to change gaming history! This surreal Artwork renders a dream-like place full of puzzling controls, eclectic architecture, and strange technology.

    As you explore, you will discover this complex landscape holds an even more detailed history. A family story no less tragic than any Greek play unfolds as you search through notes, and messages, and examine the worlds in which some of the events occurred.

    Myst caught the world by storm on its release and it deserved to! It wasn't just its considerable beauty, or the safety designed into the gameplay (though that was a welcome relief in itself) nor was it the cleverness of its many puzzles. It was the entire mindset of the island...resting from its old battles....waiting on you for resolution.

    There are many who "got" Myst..who understand the intuitive way it works... who flowed their minds into Myst's story and truly absorbed these Ages as their alternate reality. You don't have to be a genius to solve Myst..though intelligence helps! You need to be able to imagine where you are, and realize what clues the journals are offering you.

    If you can do this, then Myst has many delightful hours of play in store for you. I recommend realMyst to all those who have not played yet (and have a new enough computer) the graphics are awesome and the game play is greatly expanded by the 3d realtime freedom of movement.

    The performances are excellent... all of them.. the Miller brothers are quite convincing as Atrus & his sons.
