• Myst is an awesome game, whether you play the original or the 3D version. For a long time, Myst was the number one selling game of all time (may still be) - and it deserved it. When it came out, there had been NOTHING to compare - the graphics, the integration of the puzzles, the AWESOME use of sound.

    Play this game with in a dark room with a LARGE monitor and a 5.1 surround speaker system (if possible) - and it will take you to a different world! You need to use your ears as well as your eyes to make your way through the Ages of Myst and the music is great, so a good sound system is really recommended. Good headphones will work. I recommend getting your hands on a 17" TFT (Flat Screen LED) monitor, and playing with the monitor about 12" away from your face, so that the screen subtends nearly your whole field of vision. You are going to WANT to get IN to this game! Of course, a 21" (or better) CRT works great - but you don't want to stick it so close to your face!

    Be patient! Wander around - think about EVERYTHING you see or hear. Look for information in one place that might be useful in another place. This is a difficult game - but it is worth the time, and besides - the Ages of Myst are so beautiful that there is no reason to be in a hurry.

    This is NOT an action game, not a shoot `em up, not even a role-playing (RPG) game. You won't be increasing your Mana, fighting fell demons or gathering loot. You WILL be making your way through the most incredibly GORGEOUS and REAL gaming worlds ever.

    Myst is great, Riven (the sequel) is GREAT, and Myst III - Exile is REALLY REALLY GREAT. Take your time playing these games. If you get totally stuck, there are "walk-thrus" available on CNET or GameSpot. Don't use hints or walk-thrus except as a last resort - enjoy your time in these worlds - the puzzles ALL have some logic to them (although there is some maze running).

    If you are interested in learning more about the Ages of Myst, there are multiple Myst novels available - but play Myst first!