
  • I first came across this game when it first came out and immediately bought it just because the box looked really great. Even though it is just a box it really depicts the game. Just as the box is the game is dark, lonely, and invites you to play. I found myself playing it for hours trying to solve the puzzles. At the time the graphics were ground-breaking and the game play was unique. I played and got to the end, with a little help from the strategy guide. Now a few years later I played it again and found myself interested again. As mentioned before the graphics are stunning and the acting is pretty good. The story is very good, except at the end I felt a little confused and wanted more. The puzzles were a good assortment of very easy and very hard (Stauf's face). Overall it is a great puzzle game that will pull you into the house and will not let you leave. Now I understand that they made a sequel, The 11th hour. Ill have to go check that out.